Friday, August 31, 2012

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Make a positive difference in the lives of children.

SDN Children?s Services has been educating, caring and supporting children and families since 1905.

We are looking for a dedicated and influential professional Family Resource Worker/Social Worker to join our team based in Granville. This role coordinates the Community of Learners and the Language Links programs. This is a 30.4 hour per week position (must include Thursdays and Fridays).

Language Links is a home-based Early Intervention program aimed at developing a language rich environment for children up to 3 years old within the home. The Community of Learners program is a child development program joining children with disabilities or development delays aged from birth to five years, and their families, with specialist and Early Childhood Education professionals.

You will have:

  • University qualifications in Social Work (or equivalent)
  • Knowledge & experience in the delivery of strengths-based, family centred approaches to early childhood education;
  • Ability to identify families and young children where risk factors exist and where parents are having difficulty coping with parenting and implement strategies to minimise the risks;
  • Demonstrated understanding of coaching, facilitating and bridging approaches to build the capacity of adults working in centres with young children;
  • Significant experience working in the early childhood sector;
  • Experience in community development models of practice;
  • Skills in negotiation and problem solving approaches; and
  • High level communication and relationship building skills
  • Leadership skills to coordinate a team

Working at SDN you will benefit from discounted child care fees, study support, paid parental leave, work/life balance, and professional development opportunities. SDN is a progressive employer dedicated to providing a supportive and professional work environment. SDN is a not-for-profit organisation providing high-quality early education and care; strengthening families and communities through support programs; and addressing inequalities faced by children.

If you are ready to make a difference and are committed to an inclusive environment for all children then we want to hear from you!

For further information, including a position description and selection criteria:

Please go to the careers section of our website: or contact Amy Fossett; Recruitment Advisor on

phone: 9213 2414

Applicants must address the selection criteria contained in the position description.


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RZA Recalls Learning From 'The Master' Quentin Tarantino

'The Man With the Iron Fists' creator tells MTV News his mentor is 'an encyclopedia and such a genius of film.'
By Ryan J. Downey

RZA in "The Man with the Iron Fists"
Photo: Chan Kam Chuen / Universal Pictures


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

New cancer drug is ten times more potent

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? Legend has it that Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "Build a better mousetrap, and the world will beat a path to your door." University of Missouri researchers are doing just that, but instead of building mousetraps, the scientists are targeting cancer drugs. In a new study, MU medicinal chemists have taken an existing drug that is being developed for use in fighting certain types of cancer, added a special structure to it, and created a more potent, efficient weapon against cancer.

"Over the past decade, we have seen an increasing interest in using carboranes in drug design," said Mark W. Lee Jr., assistant professor of chemistry in College of Arts and Science. "Carboranes are clusters of three elements -- boron, carbon and hydrogen. Carboranes don't fight cancer directly, but they aid in the ability of a drug to bind more tightly to its target, creating a more potent mechanism for destroying the cancer cells."

In the study, Lee and his research team used carboranes to build new drugs designed to shut off a cancer cell's energy production, which is vital for the cell's survival. All cells produce energy through complex, multi-step processes. The key to an effective drug is targeting the process that cancer cells depend on more than healthy cells. By increasing the binding strength of a drug, a smaller dose is required, minimizing side effects and increasing the effectiveness of the therapy. With carboranes, Lee found that the drug is able to bind 10 times more powerfully.

"The reason why these drugs bind stronger to their target is because carboranes exploit a unique and very strong form of hydrogen bonding, the strongest form of interactions for drugs," Lee said.

Lee said that this discovery also will lead to further uses for the drug.

"Too often, after radiation or chemotherapy, cancer cells repair themselves and reinvade the body," Lee said. "This drug not only selectively shuts off the energy production for the cancer cells, but it also inhibits the processes that allow those cancer cells to repair themselves. When we tested our carborane-based drugs, we found that they were unimaginably potent. So far, we have tested this on breast, lung and colon cancer, all with exceptional results."

According to Lee, this is the first study to show systematically how carboranes can improve the activity of a drug. Lee believes this discovery will open additional possibilities of improving drugs that are used to treat other diseases, not just cancer.

"The end result is that these new drugs could be many thousands of times more potent than the drugs that are used in the clinics today," Lee said.

While it will be several years before the new drug would be available on the market, Lee said that clinical trials could begin within the next two years. Additionally, further testing on other types of cancer is underway. The study was published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, a publication of the American Chemical Society.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Missouri-Columbia.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Mark W. Lee, Yulia V. Sevryugina, Aslam Khan, Shui Q. Ye. Carboranes Increase the Potency of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltranferase. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2012; 55 (16): 7290 DOI: 10.1021/jm300740t

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Onward to Romney's big night, a speech to millions

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) ? Republican Mitt Romney is stepping up for the most important speech of his life, to an audience of millions, after a rousing warm-up from a running mate who vowed the days of dodging painful budget choices will end if voters toss President Barack Obama from office.

Having grasped the nomination on his second try, after years spent cultivating this moment, Romney will use his speech Thursday night to introduce himself to a large portion of voters and claw for advantage in a race that could scarcely be any closer.

There was no shortage of advice for Romney from armchair speechwriters on all sides.

Jeb Bush, the brother and son of former presidents, said it was critical for the normally reserved GOP nominee to connect with people on an emotional level ? even if he's never going to be "a new-age kind of guy."

"Where it matters is connecting with other people's concerns," Bush said in a round of morning talk show interviews. Only then, he said, will be voters be ready to hear the candidate's case.

As part of his introduction, Romney appeared prepared to discuss his Mormon faith in more direct terms than usual, a direction signaled by running mate Paul Ryan on Wednesday night in several allusions to the duo's differing religions but "same moral creed."

The Wisconsin congressman, a deficit hawk who's become the party's darling since joining the ticket, offered a prime-time testimonial setting up Romney's turn on the stage in the Republican National Convention's finale.

The Obama campaign was quick to pick apart Ryan's address, releasing a new web video with its own fact-check of what it said were inaccuracies in the congressman's criticisms of the president, and branding the GOP ticket wrong for the middle class. In the warm-up for Romney's speech, the Democrats also released a second web video highlighting past criticisms of Romney on his record as Massachusetts governor and his budget priorities.

If history is a guide, viewership of Romney's speech ? and Obama's address to his Democratic convention next week ? will be surpassed only by the audience for their coming debates.

The Republican convention's most rah-rah moments were unfolding as Hurricane Isaac, down to a tropical storm, inflicted floodwaters and misery in rural stretches of nearby Gulf states. The slowly unfolding calamity went unmentioned by most key speakers Wednesday night, although a few asked for Red Cross donations to the victims and offered prayers. The GOP had cut the convention's opening day in fear Isaac would strike Tampa, which was spared.

Not that Obama set politicking aside, either, even as he tended to emergency management. Locked in an unpredictable race that shows no clear advantage for either man, Obama implored young people in a crowd of 7,500 in Charlottesville, Va., home to the University of Virginia, to register, vote and make sure their friends do as well. "I need you," he said. "America needs you to close the gap between what is and what might be."

Ryan, 42, came on board the campaign for the White House with a reputation in Washington for taking on the sacred cows in government spending, Medicare prime among them, and he's generated plenty of excitement among conservatives who have never been fully convinced that Romney is one of them. "I think he's a rock star for the Republicans," Allie Burgin, a delegate from Wynnewood, Okla., said before the speech. And that's how he was received on the stage.

"The present administration has made its choices," Ryan said, "and Mitt Romney and I have made ours. Before the math and the momentum overwhelm us all, we are going to solve this nation's economic problems. And I'm going to level with you: We don't have much time."

He was particularly cutting in his indictment of the president, even in a convention loaded with anti-Obama rhetoric. "Fear and division are all they've got left," he said. "It all started off with stirring speeches, Greek columns, the thrill of something new. Now all that's left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed."

Ryan misrepresented Obama's record at times ? and seemed to forget his own.

He said sharply that "the biggest, coldest power play of all in Obamacare came at the expense of the elderly. ... So they just took it all away from Medicare. Seven hundred and sixteen billion dollars, funneled out of Medicare by President Obama."

In fact, Ryan himself incorporated the same cuts into budgets he steered through the House in the past two years as chairman of its Budget Committee, using the money for deficit reduction. The cuts do not affect Medicare recipients directly, but rather reduce payments to hospitals, health insurance plans and other service providers.

Moreover, Ryan's own plan to remake Medicare would squeeze the program's spending even more than the changes Obama made.

Ryan promised, "We will not duck the tough issues; we will lead." But Romney has yet to flesh out those fiscal choices.

He's promised big increases in military spending and the restoration of more than $700 billion in Medicare cuts, along with lower taxes, without detailing how he would make good on his pledge to cut $500 billion a year from the federal budget. That goal is only realistic if budget cutters dive into the massive entitlements of Social Security and Medicare and if Congress can be persuaded to slice deeply into areas of spending such as health research, transportation, homeland security and aid to the poor.

In a letter sent Thursday morning to potential Democratic donors, Obama campaign manager Jim Messina said the Ryan speech "represents a huge bet by the Romney campaign ? they've decided that facts, truth and reality will not be a brake on their campaign message."

In remarks to the American Legion in Indianapolis, Romney reaffirmed his intention to expand the armed forces and roll back "reckless defense cuts" that will begin automatically in January if Congress does not act to stop them. "There are plenty of places to cut in a federal budget that now totals over $3 trillion, but defense is not one of them," he said. Left unstated was that his running mate voted to approve the legislation that authorized those cuts alongside reductions in domestic spending.

Romney spokesman Kevin Madden said days earlier that the nominee would discuss his Mormon religion in his convention address as part of "what's informed his values." Ryan, a Roman Catholic, took up the matter conspicuously, and no doubt as part of the convention's carefully crafted message.

"Mitt and I also go to different churches," he said. "But in any church, the best kind of preaching is done by example. And I've been watching that example. The man who will accept your nomination tomorrow is prayerful and faithful and honorable. Not only a defender of marriage, he offers an example of marriage at its best. Not only a fine businessman, he's a fine man, worthy of leading this optimistic and good-hearted country."

And again: "Our different faiths come together in the same moral creed. We believe that in every life there is goodness; for every person, there is hope. Each one of us was made for a reason, bearing the image and likeness of the Lord of Life."

Former pastor Mike Huckabee, in his speech earlier, also delved into the subject, saying, "I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country."

Delegates cheered a parade of party leaders past, present and ? possibly ? future.

Arizona Sen. John McCain, the man who defeated Romney for the 2008 nomination only to lose the election to Obama, spoke on his 76th birthday and said he wished he'd been there under different circumstances. And an array of ambitious younger elected officials, Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and John Thune of South Dakota among them, preceded Ryan to the podium.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice praised the Republican ticket in a speech that made no overt mention of Obama. "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will rebuild us at home and inspire us to lead abroad. They will provide an answer to the question, 'Where does America stand?'"


Woodward reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Steve Peoples in Indianapolis, Julie Pace in Charlottesville, Va., Jim Kuhnhenn in Washington and Philip Elliott, Beth Fouhy, Tamara Lush and Elizabeth Bunn in Tampa contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Decline in breeding chinstrap penguins in Antarctic Peninsula confirmed

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? In a paper published this week in the journal Polar Biology, researchers from the Antarctic Site Inventory confirm significant declines in the breeding population of chinstrap penguins in the vastly warming Antarctic Peninsula, where it's warming faster than, or as fast as, any other place on Earth.

New results and analyses stem from fieldwork conducted in December 2011 at Deception Island, one of the most frequently visited locations in Antarctica.

Overseen by Ron Naveen, founder of the nonprofit science and conservation organization, Oceanites, Inc., the Deception Island census effort analyses were undertaken by Dr. Heather Lynch, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University, and chief scientist of the Antarctic Site Inventory project.

The Inventory has been collecting and analyzing Antarctic Peninsula-wide penguin population data since 1994, and these new findings have important implications both for the advancement of Antarctic science and the management of Antarctica by the Antarctic Treaty nations.

"Our Deception Island work, using the yacht Pelagic as our base, occurred over 12 days and in the harshest of conditions -- persistent clouds, precipitation, and high winds, the latter sometimes reaching gale force and requiring a lot of patience waiting out the blows," said Naveen. "But, in the end, we achieved the first-ever survey of all chinstraps breeding on the island."

The other Inventory researchers on the team were Steven Forrest (Oceanites, Inc.), Dr. Thomas Mueller (Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre), and Dr. Michael Polito (now at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute). The scientific effort of the Inventory is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and public contributions, and the project's on-the-ground fieldwork at Deception Island was specifically supported by a grant from The Tinker Foundation. The Inventory is the only publicly supported science project working in Antarctica and the only science project tracking penguin populations throughout the entire Antarctic Peninsula region.

The scientific effort of the Inventory is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and public contributions, and the project's on-the-ground fieldwork at Deception Island was specifically supported by a grant from The Tinker Foundation. The Inventory is the only publicly supported science project working in Antarctica and the only science project tracking penguin populations throughout the entire Antarctic Peninsula region.

Deception Island is frequently visited and there has been speculation that tourism may have a negative impact on breeding chinstrap penguins -- especially, at Deception Island's largest chinstrap colony known as Baily Head. Previously, Antarctic Treaty-level discussions regarding the management of visitors at Baily Head proceeded in the absence of concrete site-wide census data.

The results and analyses, according to Dr. Lynch, shed new light on the massive changes occurring in this region.

"Our team found 79,849 breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins at Deception, including 50,408 breeding pairs at Baily Head. Combined with a simulation designed to capture uncertainty in an earlier population estimate, there is strong evidence to suggest a significant (>50%) decline in the abundance of chinstraps breeding at Baily Head since 1986/87.

"The decline of chinstrap penguins at Baily Head is consistent with declines in this species throughout the region, including at sites that receive little or no tourism; further, as a consequence of regional environmental changes that currently represent the dominant influence on penguin dynamics, we cannot ascribe any direct link in this study between chinstrap declines and tourism."

The Baily Head analysis was abetted by Dr. Lynch's cutting-edge analyses of high-resolution satellite imagery. Images were available for the 2002/03 and the 2009/10 seasons that suggest a 39% decline over that seven-year period, and which provide independent confirmation of this population decline. Via assistance from the U.S. National Science Foundation and a cooperative effort the University of Minnesota's Polar Geospatial Center, the Inventory continues to demonstrate the use of satellite imagery to analyze and describe environmental change in sensitive habitats.

"We now know," says Naveen, "that two of the three predominant penguin species in the Peninsula -- chinstrap and Ad?lie -- are declining significantly in a region where, in the last 60 years, it's warmed by 3? C. (5? F.) annually and by 5? C. (9? F.) in winter. By contrast, gentoo penguins, the third of these species, are expanding both its numbers and range. These divergent responses are an ongoing focus of our Inventory work effort."

Adds Lynch: "While there has been considerable focus in the policy and management community about the potential impact of tourism on these penguin populations, we cannot forget the overwhelming evidence that climate is responsible for the dramatic changes that we are seeing on the Peninsula. If tourism is having a negative impact on these populations, it's too small an effect to be detected against the background of climate change."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stony Brook University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ron Naveen, Heather J. Lynch, Steven Forrest, Thomas Mueller, Michael Polito. First direct, site-wide penguin survey at Deception Island, Antarctica, suggests significant declines in breeding chinstrap penguins. Polar Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s00300-012-1230-3

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

8 Tips to Sell your Crafts Online | Hobbies On A Budget

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A few years ago, if you wanted to profit from selling crafts, you would have to make your way to craft fairs and farmers markets. Nowadays however, most craft based entrepreneurs sell their wares online. And as the popularity of continues to explode, there has never been a better time to get into the game.

If you are?new to the idea of profiting from crafts, or you would simply like to increase your existing sales figures, here are eight tips that should point you in the right direction.

Sell on Multiple Websites is considered number one when it comes to selling crafts online but it?s not the only game in town. Sites such as, and are also well worth your time. Don?t limit yourself to a single marketplace. You never know where your next customer is going to come from.?

Take High Quality Photos

The quality of photos that you take can play a major role in the number of sales that you make. Though you don?t need to be an expert photographer, you do need to take reasonably high quality snaps. If your photos are low quality, many people are going to expect the same from your products.

Answer Questions ASAP

When somebody has a question, it?s usually because they are genuinely interested in purchasing something. It?s therefore essential to get back to them as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you are likely to lose the sale.

Packaging Matters

Just because your crafts are homemade, that does not mean that you can sell them in shoddy packaging. Your customers are far more likely to purchase from you again if your products arrive in neat little packets. Your brand, or name, should be included on the packaging and you should take some time to come up with a professional design.

Always Include a Note

Include a note with everything that you sell. It should include both when the product was created and any necessary instructions. You should also write a personal thank you at the end.

Don?t underestimate the importance of creating a personal connection between you and your customers. This is one of the reasons people love purchasing home made crafts.

Utilize Social Media

The value of a solid social media presence cannot be underestimated when it comes to selling crafts online. Your social media accounts should be heavily advertised wherever you sell your products. It?s also important to update your accounts regularly. Don?t be pushy however. Aim to be useful, not commercial.

Include a Free Gift

Consider including a small free gift with everything that you sell. Provided you choose wisely, doing so won?t cost you much. It will however help to get you noticed. Those who receive a free gift are both more likely to purchase from you again and more likely to tell their friends about you.

Charge for Quality

Finally, don?t undersell yourself. If you believe in the work that you do, you should charge accordingly. You are better off making a few sales at fifty dollars a piece than a lot of sales at five dollars a piece. Value yourself and your products. If you don?t, nobody else will.

About the author:

Rose Archer have decades of experience in art handling and art conservation. She works for crating services and owns a fine art crating shop in-house to create fully customized crates for all types of artwork.


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Ryan Lochte's Sister Apologizes for Racist Video

Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte may be a national treasure, but his family is a bit of an embarrassment. Last week, a 2008 video made its way around the internet, in which Ryan's sister Megan spends four-and-a-half minutes making fun of Chinese people. She has since apologized for the video -- but is the damage already done? Watch the controversial clip below (warning: offensive language).


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Beach Cottage Hallway in the Spring |

Good moaning Beach Cottage friends, a little bit of my old hallway today?another place that is feeling like Spring in our cottage?

You already know from yesterday, that, around here, Winter is tailing off?I think that really becomes apparent here when the coats get moved from the hallway to stored away in a cupboard for the next 8 months?

Now I may just be jumping the gun a bit, because there is definitely still a nip in the air, but, this weekend the hallway got zapped and Winter things got put away.

I have recently been putting quite a bit of effort into keeping this old cottage looking the way I want it to look, more of the time, I have been de-cluttering, re-organizing, chucking out the chintz, scrubbing and spritzing?and a few people commented on Instagram about how it always seems tidy and clean here?

Well I would like it to be like that all the time, but remember I show you the good bits on here?when the Beach Cottage Crew are home from school and husbands kick off their shoes at the end of the day it certainly is not looking all things perfect ?what you see is how I like it, I come here to make me smile, to inspire me to continue to make improvements in our home and to celebrate the little things of our new life by the sea in Australia?it just as simple as that..

And this is part of all of that? the hallway, tidied up of Winter stuff?

?doors wide open, fresh air wooshing through, sunshine streaming in and Summer baskets back in rotation, waiting to go?


I moved this old white ladder in here and the unit that was in here out?it?s just too tiny for much and I thought the ladder might hold a few things but without making it too cluttered?it used to live in the bathroom, in fact it?s lived most places now..


beach cottage decorating hallway white
I do wish there was some magic potion for the keeping-everything-straight-whilst-having-three-kiddos-and-a-puppy-scenario ? some secret little housekeeper?s pill or some amazing ?system? that works?

?do any of you know of one of those? ?Probs not I am guessing, if you knew that you?d be rich and certainly not here reading about my old tatty old cottage on the beaches

?the only answer to it all I thought as I got down to it in here, is as ever in life, a bit of hard work, a tad of elbow grease and that you reap what you sow.

But I am guessing you knew that already?

Bye for now lovelies

I am off to put something away, to paint something, or perhaps if all that fails, tie the odd messy toe-rag of a teenager to a tree?hahaha

See you soon with some beachy shots and more on the coastal table?I think you are going to love them

I hope you like my Winter-cleared ready for Spring hallway?

Next time then


p.s. ?in Beach Cottage Places, some?lovely comfort in Beach Cottage Food


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Tropical Storm Isaac Grounds Hundreds Of Flights In Miami, Ft. Lauderdale

  • Heather Boss, right, and Brittney Lambert, both of Oklahoma, have fun in a flooded street due to heavy rains in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 as heavy storm winds and rain hit the northern coast. Rain bands from Tropical Storm Isaac are expected to continue streaming across Marion County Monday as the ninth named storm of the 2012 hurricane season continues toward the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Weather Service officials in Jacksonville on Sunday said Marion County began getting rain bands from Isaac around 2 p.m. and that the rain would continue through Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Victoria Balladares and boyfriend Jose Requejo experience the rain at Miami Beach as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Anton Snitgen, Jenna Curl, Jackie Curl and Michael Manemut run along a dock at Key West Bight Marina in Key West, Fla., as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug., 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • A man walks on the beach in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 as heavy winds hit the northern coast from Tropical Storm Isaac. Isaac is expected to continue streaming across Marion County Monday as it continues toward the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Weather Service officials in Jacksonville on Sunday said Marion County began getting rain bands from Isaac around 2 p.m. and that the rain would continue through Tuesday. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A person braves the rain at Clarence Higgs Beach in Key West, Fla., as Tropical Storm Isaac hits the area on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Folko Weltzien, 38, kite surfs as high winds from Hurricane Isaac gusts on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Heavy storm clouds hover over the skyline of downtown Miami as Tropical Storm Isaac's weather bands reach the Miami area aon Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Carl Juste)

  • Trees down in Midtown Miami.

  • A cyclist rides his bike in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A person walks by a sign warning about Hurricane Isaac, in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (Alan Diaz)

  • Shira Edllan Gervasi, of Israel, puts her name on plywood protecting a storefront in Key West, Fla., in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: A man rides his bike along Overseas Highway as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move toward the Florida Keys on August 26, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: People ride bikes as as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move ashore on August 26, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Arthur Asti installs storm shutters on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Two girls enter a K-Mart store on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Craig Jones, left, and Kimberly Branson secure their boat in Key West, Fla., Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac. Tropical Storm Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (Alan Diaz)

  • The southernmost point marker is covered in plastic sheeting in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Richie Moretti, left, and Bette Zirkelback release a kemps ridley turtle into an indoor tank in Marathon, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 . The turtles were moved from outside tanks to safer indoor tanks for protection in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (Alan Diaz)

  • Dale Shelton waits to be taken to a shelter in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, as he prepares for the arrival of Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • A houseboat is towed in the middle keys as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Cars leave the Lower Keys on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Vehicles wait in line for gasoline at the Sam's Club gas station in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Saturday August 25, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Harley Rojas dismantles the tarp next to his mobile home at the Sunshine Key RV Resort as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Kerol Obando and her son Andres exit a Publix grocery store in Tavernier, Fla., as the Florida Keys prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug 25, 2012. Florida Gov. Rick Scott had declared a state of emergency and a hurricane warning has been issued for the Florida Keys, as officials warn tourists to leave. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Walter Michot)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: A man windsurfs on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A sign is posted on the wall of a bar on Duval Street on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Cars leave the Lower Keys on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Connie Rivero and her son Anthony Amador fill plastic bags with sand at the Hollywood Public Works Department as they prepare for possible floods from Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in Hollywood, Fla. Isaac was expected to pass over the Florida Keys as a hurricane late Sunday or early Monday. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Al Diaz) MAGS OUT

  • Most of the bottled water at Wal-Mart in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. was purchased by noon on Saturday August 25, 2012 in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Lowes employees, Robert Tucker, right, and John Lucenti, left, load plywood for Terry King, back, and Ofelia Murphy at Lowes in Fort Walton Beach, Fla., Saturday August 25, 2012. Murphy said they needed some plywood to cover their windows in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac which is forecasted to make landfall in the Florida Panhandle as a hurricane on Tuesday. (AP Photo/Northwest Florida Daily News, Nick Tomecek)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Tourists take in the sites on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A woman walks thru Malory Square on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Yoni Haim, left, and Jessica Yeshalek board their storefront as they prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    ISLAMORADA, FL - AUGUST 25: A man secures his boat as the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks North on August 25, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: People enter a store whie the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks North on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: A worker clears a power line on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 25: A man installs shutters over a restaurant while the Florida Keys are under a Hurricane Warning as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks Northwest on August 25, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    CLEARWATER, FL - AUGUST 25: Alex Guilbaud runs with a skimboard as storm clouds build offshore on August 25, 2012 in Clearwater, Florida. Tampa area residents wait for Tropical Storm Isaac as they prepare for the Repulican National Convention which will be held in Tampa during the week of August 27th. (Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 25: Lee Bittner buys a generator and a bottle of water at Home Depot on August 25, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Area residents are preparing for Tropical Storm Isaac just before the Repulican National Convention which will be held at the Tampa Bay Times Forum during the week of August 27th. The Tropical Storm might become a hurricane by the time it hits ground. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

  • Cheri Senecal walks with a bag of personal items to a shelter in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012 as she prepares for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: A man tends to his boat as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move toward the Florida Keys on August 26, 2012 in Islamorada, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Florida Keys Under Hurricane Warning As Isaac Tracks North

    KEY WEST, FL - AUGUST 25: Two men install storm shutters on Duval Street on August 25, 2012 in Key West, Florida. Residents in the Florida Keys are preparing after a Hurricane Warning was issued as Tropical Storm Isaac tracks north. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • A message warns drivers of severe weather on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012, in Miami. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/The Miami Herald, Hector Gabino)

  • In this photo provided by Florida Power & Light Company, line specialist Dustin Pezet works to restore power as Tropical Storm Isaac strikes in Miami on Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Isaac gained fresh muscle Sunday as it bore down on the Florida Keys, with forecasters warning it could grow into a dangerous Category 2 hurricane as it nears the northern Gulf Coast. (AP Photo/Florida Power & Light Company, David Adame)

  • Tampa Prepares For Republican National Convention And Potential Hurricane

    TAMPA, FL - AUGUST 26: Republican Rachel Bolch Thach walks along a rainy beach on August 26, 2012 in Tampa, Florida. Tampa is preparing for the start of the Republican National Convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum. The RNC is scheduled to convene on August 27 and will hold its first session on August 28 as Tropical Storm Isaac threatens disruptions due to its proximity to the Florida peninsula. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

  • Isaac Bears Down On Florida Keys

    MARATHON, FL - AUGUST 26: People stand near downed branches as Tropical Storm Isaac begins to move ashore on August 26, 2012 in Marathon, Florida. According to reports, Isaac has become stronger as it moves toward the Florida Keys and forecasters say it could strengthen into a Category 2 storm. (Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images)

  • Source:

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    Research shows children at risk from rural water supplies

    Monday, August 27, 2012

    University of East Anglia research shows children at risk from rural water supplies

    Children drinking from around half the UK's private water supplies are almost five times more likely to pick up stomach infections ? according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA).

    Research published today in the journal PLOS ONE shows children under 10 who drink from contaminated supplies are suffering around five bouts of sickness or diarrhoea a year.

    This figure is similar to the rates of infection among children in the developing world.

    Around 1 per cent of the UK population are served by private supplies ? such as wells and boreholes. In Europe the number is as much as one in 10. And many more drink from such water supplies as visitors and while on holiday.

    But half of all private water supplies in the UK do not meet water safety regulations. And while water-borne bacteria does not appear to affect adults and older children, the under 10s are particularly at risk of picking up stomach infections.

    Researchers investigated whether people drinking from contaminated supplies are more at risk than those drinking from supplies that comply with safety standards - and particularly whether children are more susceptible to disease.

    They studied more than 600 consumers in Norfolk, Suffolk and Herefordshire for 12 weeks. Those surveyed kept a diary of symptoms including diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pains, nausea, headache, and fever.

    They also collected samples of drinking water from each household which were tested for the faecal bacteria E. coli, Coliform and Enterococci.

    Prof Paul Hunter, from UEA's Norwich Medical School, said: "We found a particularly high incidence of diarrhoea in children under 10 in homes provided by water which was contaminated with bacteria. The results showed that these children would suffer almost five incidents a year ? a risk of illness similar to that reported in developing countries.

    "This is a serious concern. As well as children being more at risk, they also suffer the most from an episode of diarrhoea ? with greater rates of hospitalization and higher mortality rates.

    "It is very important that households reliant on private water supplies, where children under 10 live or visit, are identified and frequently tested for pollution. Our recommendation to parents is to either ensure adequate well-maintained treatment such as chlorination or filtration, or provide alternate sources such as drinking bottled water."


    'Risk of infectious intestinal disease in consumers drinking from private water supplies: A prospective cohort study' is published by the journal PLOS ONE.

    University of East Anglia:

    Thanks to University of East Anglia for this article.

    This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

    This press release has been viewed 16 time(s).


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    What Is Self Improvement? 8 Tips for Self Improvement |

    They say that there is no better way to help you than through yourself, and this leads to the question what is self improvement? Also known as self help, self improvement refers to things that you can do to make your life better. It involves knowing your weakness and trying to work on them. This can be your attitude towards life and others, physical outlook or emotional health. By improving yourself you will have an opportunity to enjoy your life to the fullest. Check out some tips which you can use to make yourself better.

    Tip #1: Begin the day well

    Beginning the day with a positive attitude can help you to stay positive throughout the day. You should therefore make it a rule to start your day in a positive way. Wake up early and do something constructive such as jogging or mediation before leaving for work or school. If you are a student, you can wake up early to study when the mind is still fresh. So you got your first answer to what is self improvement; have a good start!

    Tip #2: Have a positive attitude

    There is a saying that when you start thinking positively you will start seeing positive outcomes in your life. It is true that what we think is what we are. You should therefore try to find something positive about every situation even when it seems impossible. Instead of cursing and blaming others because we do not have a car, thank God that you have legs to walk to job. Instead of complaining that we do not live in a mansion, how about thanking our families for providing a roof over our head? Appreciating the small things in life is the key to achieving big thins.

    Tip #3: Keep positive company

    The company we keep plays a key role in our thoughts. If you are always in the company of people who are always complaining and criticizing you are likely to become like them. No wonder the saying ?birds of a feather flock together?. You should therefore watch your company at all times.

    Tip #4: Have goals

    You must know what you want to achieve in order to help yourself. We should set realistic goals especially when it comes to our financial status. Once you have your goals you will need to work hard and be disciplined in order to achieve them. In addition, you can motivate yourself by rewarding your efforts.

    Tip #5: Take a break

    Being a workaholic is not a bad thing, but it is good to take a short break once in a while. This will give your body time to relax so when you go back to work you will have a clear mind. You can take breaks in between working sessions and have a chat with your colleagues. Alternatively, you can go for a short holiday on a weekend.

    Tip #6: Overcome your fears

    The worst thing you can do to yourself is not to do something because you are afraid. It is true that overcoming your fears sets a platform for success. Once you have overcome your fears there will be no stopping you.

    Tip #7: Give to others

    Those who give to others always receive back. Giving does not always to be in form of money. We can be polite to our colleagues, smile at others and compliment them when they do a good job. You will be surprised at how people can change and be willing to help when you show them love.

    Tip #8: Always learn from your past

    There is no better answer to what is self improvement and how to achieve it than by learning from our past mistakes. A man who does not let his past experiences discourage him has a better chance of improving than one who gives up after the first trial. This is because when you do something several times you will know what to avoid and what to do next time and this creates room for improvement. We can therefore say that the best way to help ourselves is to never repeat our past mistakes.

    You have to make a decision that you want to change and work towards changing your situation in order to become a better person. Now you have your answer to the question ?what is self improvement??

    Now that you know what self improvement is, it?s time that you learned some true self-improvement lessons. If you want to unlock your hidden potential and discover a side of yourself that you never knew existed then visit my Enlightenment Gateway website.

    Click the following link to visit Enlightenment Gateway and make use of some of the best self-improvement lessons around.

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    Brain Cancer Research in Seattle Leads to New Treatment Options ...

    /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ ??Since its opening in 2008, the Ben Catherine Ivy Center for Advanced Brain Tumor Treatment (the Ivy Center) at Swedish Medical Center?s Neuroscience Institute has led the expansion drive of major research projects and expanded treatment options for patients living with brain cancer in the Pacific Northwest and throughout the world.? The Ivy Center was founded in 2008 to create a world-class treatment and research facility focused on delivering excellent patient care and advancing progress toward more effective treatments for brain cancer.

    While great strides have been made in the treatment of breast, colon and other common cancers, only three new drugs to treat brain cancer have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the past 35 years, and these drugs prolong the lives of patients by only a few months. Such a center was needed at the time, said Greg Foltz, M.D., a neurosurgeon and director of the Ivy Center, because brain cancer had been for far too long a neglected or ?orphan? disease.

    In fact, today the life expectancy of a person diagnosed with glioblastoma, the most common form of malignant primary brain cancer, is only about 15 months ? only slightly better than it was a century ago, Dr. Foltz said. ?We felt we needed to focus our efforts on ??coming up with better treatment options,? said Dr. Foltz. ?We felt someone had to champion this cause so we embarked on a mission to get more researchers and physicians focused on this disease. And we did.?

    Today, the Ivy Center at Swedish has partnered with and led major brain cancer programs with the Ben Catherine Ivy Foundation, Institute for Systems Biology, Allen Institute for Brain Science, University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Accium Biosciences and The Elliott Foundation. This has led to a variety of new brain cancer treatment options and research programs for people living with brain cancer in our region. ?Previously, none of this existed,? said Dr. Foltz.

    Five Years of Progress Made

    The goal of the Ivy Center was to create a place where brain tumor patients and their families would have access to the best care and latest clinical research. The Ivy Center has achieved this making it possible for the center?s neurosurgeons, oncologists, radiologists and nursing staff to work in close collaboration with the program?s team of scientists. ?This collaboration allows clinicians and scientists to provide patients with the best of care as well as direct access to promising new therapies and clinical trials.

    The Ivy Center?s clinical team provides comprehensive, integrated care that includes the latest neurosurgery techniques and technology, including intra-operative MRI-guided navigation, precision Gamma Knife radiosurgery as well as the support of a team of physical and occupational therapists, counselors, and other specialists who provide each patient with comprehensive, personalized care.

    ?People with brain cancer have needs that transcend the traditional requirements of most patients. Care is not just about an operation, it?s not just about a medication,? said Dr. Foltz. ?Brain cancer is a life-changing event, so it?s very important from the first meeting that these patients know that we?re there for them, that we care deeply about them and we?re going to provide all the resources that are possible to help them fight their disease.?

    Holly Zimmerman, a Bellevue, Wash. resident who has been battling brain cancer and is leading a team in this year?s Seattle Brain Cancer Walk, can speak personally to the importance of the first meeting. ?A small seizure led doctors to the discovery of a tumor in my parietal lobe?what immediately followed was brain surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and a very scary prognosis for me and my family,? said Zimmerman. ?This disease is unique and it takes an extraordinary team of medical professionals to conquer it. As a one-year survivor of brain cancer, I have great hopes.?

    New Strategies in the Search for a Brain Cancer Cure

    Over the past five years the Ivy Center has established an international reputation for its expertise in the genetic analysis of individual tumors. At the Ivy Center, a genetic profile is created of every patient?s tumor with the goal to identify each tumor?s individual weaknesses and to develop new, personalized treatment strategies that target these weaknesses.

    The Ivy Center?s genomic database ? now one of the largest brain tumor research projects in the country ? was developed in collaboration with the world-renowned Institute for Systems Biology. This collaboration brings together physicians and scientists in the fields of neurosurgery, neuropathology, systems biology, genomics and biostatistical analysis. Together they are determining how networks of genes and proteins interact in brain cancer to discover new targets for diagnostic tests and treatments.

    In another partnership, the Ivy Center and the Allen Institute for Brain Science are creating a 3-D map of gene activity within brain tumors. ?These maps can then be compared with maps of gene activity in normal brain tissue to identify which genes are malfunctioning in the cancer tissue. Once these genes are identified the goal is to develop diagnostics and treatments that target these malfunctioning genes.

    All data from these projects are being made available online to researchers around the world for free.

    Clinical Trials for Brain Cancer Patients Brought to the Pacific Northwest

    The Ivy Center?s expertise in the genetic analysis of brain tumors has led to its participation in a number of groundbreaking clinical trials:

    • Toca 511 Trial: The Ivy Center team is one of only eight sites in the country participating in the Toca trial. In this trial, a genetically engineered virus is used to insert a gene into glioblastoma cells. The gene produces a protein that activates a chemotherapy drug. Because the virus only inserts the gene into cancerous cells, the drug will only harm tumor cells. This approach allows high doses of the lethal drug to accumulate in the tumor cells, while sparing healthy cells nearby.
    • Temozolomide Trial: In this trial the Ivy Center team is leading a trial with the Seattle biotechnology company Accium Biosciences.? In the study, researchers use Accium?s 15-ton particle accelerator to analyze tumor tissue to determine precisely just how much of the chemotherapy drug temozolomide reaches its target. This information will help determine which patients are most likely to benefit from the drug and which patients should try a different treatment.? By using this new approach, it is hoped doctors will be able to better optimize brain cancer therapy so that they deliver the right drug to the right patient at the right dose.
    • DCVax Brain Cancer Vaccine Trial: In this groundbreaking study, a cancer vaccine is being used to train patients? immune systems to attack and kill their brain cancer cells. Once trained, it is hoped these immune cells will track down and destroy any brain cancer cells that remain after surgery and to be ready to fight off any new tumor cells should the cancer recur.

    Building a Community for Care and a Cure

    Finally, since its founding the Ivy Center has made community involvement a high priority. The center?s community outreach efforts range from involving as many patients as possible in research to develop new treatments, to building community support for patients and their families to help them cope with the disease, to enlisting the community in fundraising and education efforts.

    The Ivy Center was established with a lead gift from Ben Catherine Ivy, and $11 million in philanthropic funds have been raised in support of the Center thus far. As a nonprofit, the Ivy Center depends heavily on community support to fund new research initiatives and patient participation in clinical trials, which is often not covered by insurance.

    ?We are never going to find more effective treatments for brain cancer without the help of the community,? said Dr. Foltz.

    A highlight of these efforts is the Seattle Brain Cancer Walk, which has become a popular annual event that now draws thousands of participants and has raised more than $1.8 million for brain cancer research, care and advocacy.

    Proceeds from Seattle?s Brain Cancer Walk have supported the Pacific Northwest region?s most promising brain cancer research projects as well as programs and services that benefit brain cancer patients, including clinical trials, advocacy programs, as well as comprehensive patient care and support services in the Pacific Northwest.

    Over the past five years, the Ivy Center?s team of health providers and researchers has made real progress in understanding brain cancer and its treatment, said Dr. Foltz. ?I am very hopeful that in the near term ? we?re not talking decades ? but in the next three to five years that we will see new therapies that will significantly help these patients,? Dr. Foltz said.

    About Swedish

    Swedish has grown over the last 103 years to become the largest non-profit health provider in the Greater Seattle area with 11,000 employees, more than 2,000 physicians and 1,700 volunteers. It is comprised of five hospital campuses (First Hill, Cherry Hill, Ballard, Edmonds and Issaquah); ambulatory care centers in Redmond and Mill Creek; and Swedish Medical Group, a network of more than 100 primary-care and specialty clinics located throughout the Greater Puget Sound area. In addition to general medical and surgical care including robotic-assisted surgery, Swedish is known as a regional referral center, providing specialized treatment in areas such as cardiovascular care, cancer care, neuroscience, orthopedics, high-risk obstetrics, pediatric specialties, organ transplantation and clinical research. For more information, visit,,, or

    Swedish is affiliated with Providence Health Services, which is a Catholic, not-for-profit organization founded by the Sisters of Providence in 1856 with 27 hospitals, 214 physician clinics and almost 53,000 employees across five states. Based in Renton, Wash., Providence Health Services provides strategic and management services to integrated health-care systems in Alaska, California, Montana, Oregon and Washington state. For more information, visit


    SOURCE Swedish Neuroscience Institute

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    Why You Should Make Your First BBQ Grill a Gas ... - Food and Drinks

    BBQ has been around as long as man has. The first people on the planet soon understood that dinner tasted much better after a brief seer on an open fire.

    In more recent history, barbequing has become a family tradition. Although the majority of families in America own a bbq grill, only a few view barbecuing as a sport or pastime. The majority see it as just another way to cook dinner ? one that Dad can actually do.

    That?s a pity, considering that grilling and barbequing can be so much more than just burning a perfect piece of meat. But it all starts with choosing the right barbeque grill.

    The Best Barbecue Grill for the Beginner to Use

    There are various styles of grills with a multitude of options and features. And frequently it will be overwhelming for beginners to wade through every one of these possibilities.

    Allow me to cut through the jumble for you.

    You ought to keep in mind 2 factors.

    1. The Grill

    The easiest barbecue grill to use is undoubtedly the natural gas barbeque grill. Natural gas barbeque grills are made to hook directly into your home?s natural gas line, doing away with the need to provide a separate fuel source. This gets rid of the need to replenish charcoal or fill up gas bottles.

    Another benefit of having a natural gas barbeque grill is the capability to regulate the heat of the fire. Until you have experience with creating a two or three zone fire, the different burner settings on natural gas barbecue grills make it easier to produce different temperatures for the individual cooking spots on the barbecue grill.

    Natural gas barbecues are the easiest model of grill to clean. With other grills including charcoal and smoker grills, you have to remove the wood and also charcoal briquettes each and every time. Natural gas grills simply have to be wiped out. Some natural gas grills also offer a none-stick feature.

    2. Your Options and Extras

    You will be overwhelmed by the number and also variety of gadgets for every natural gas grill. Allow me to share a very simple rule to remember that will make picking drop dead easy.

    Don?t get any.

    Alright, you may get a warming rack. That?s more of a must than accessory, at any rate. But nothing else. No rotisserie. Certainly no Wok type surface. No added grates or racks. Zero.

    Not until you have taken your brand new grill home and used it for a little bit. Give it a decent workout with some uncomplicated grilling ? for example chicken or pork chops ? then decide what you need or want to enhance your grilling enjoyment.

    Try this and you will probably save money and get what you want.


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