Monday, February 25, 2013

New England, West brace for snowy weekend

A winer storm in the West could create blizzard conditions in Colorado this weekend, while New England faces its third-straight weekend of snow and rain. But Kansas saw the worst of the snow this week, with up to 15 inches in some places.

By Svea Herbst-Bayliss and Ross Kerber,?Reuters / February 23, 2013

James Gragson and Andre Soza take their sled off a ramp while sledding down Quinton Heights hill, Thursday, in Topeka, Kan. Kansas was the epicenter of a winter storm, this week with parts of the state buried under 15 inches of powdery snow. This weekend Colorado and New England are expected to be hit especially hard.

Chris Neal/The Topeka Capital Journal/AP


New England?faced a third straight weekend of storms dumping a messy mix of wet snow and freezing rain across the region, meteorologists said Saturday.

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Another storm in the West is rolling out of the Rocky Mountains this weekend and could create blizzard conditions in?Colorado, according to a?National Weather Service?advisory.

Much of the Midwest is already blanketed with snow. More than a foot of snow was reported in?Kansas?on Thursday, forcing airports to cancel hundreds of flights and leaving motorists stranded on highways.

Starting on Saturday, the?New England?coast - from northern?Connecticut?to?southern Maine?- was expecting an extended mix of snow and rain, according to a?National Weather Service?advisory, while inland areas could see a significant accumulation of snow.

Wet snow and freezing rain were expected Saturday afternoon through Sunday evening in?southern New Hampshire, northern Rhode Island and much of?Massachusetts.

The?Boston?metropolitan area could see from 2 to 5 inches of snow, while parts of central Massachusets may get up to 12 inches, said?National Weather Service?meteorologist?John Foley.

The heaviest snowfall was expected Saturday night through Sunday morning, with 1 to 2 inches per hour possible, the weather service said.

Despite the forecasts, some residents were taking it in stride, wondering what all the fuss was about.

"Look, it's winter, it's?New England, it snows. Happens every time!" said?Steve Scardino, a software sales executive and lifelong New Englander from?Hopkinton,?Massachusetts.

But others were not so sanguine.

Tom Meek?of?Cambridge?said he had cancelled dinner plans with relatives two weekends in a row because of bad weather and this time, he would just take his chances.

"We can't let Mother Nature impound us again," Meek said.

NStar Electric president,?Craig Hallstrom, said the utility's emergency response plan had been well tested this winter.

The weather service said the storm may bring sleet and freezing rain to the Appalachians and?mid-Atlantic?states as well, with thunderstorms expected in the Southeast. It likely will dump rain from New York City to?Philadelphia, it said.

The storm barreled eastward for the weekend after pummeling the Midwest during the week. In?Kansas?City,Missouri, Mayor?Sly James?said about 60 buses were stuck on snowbound streets on Friday, and even tow trucks were immobilized.

"It's still an ongoing process to get people off the roads," he told CNN.


Kansas?bore the brunt of the bad weather on Thursday, with up to 15 inches of snow in some parts of the state, according to the?National Weather Service.

A closed 200-mile stretch of Interstate 70 in?central Kansas?was strewn with cars stuck in snow.

National Guard?troops were dispatched in Humvees to look for stranded motorists along the interstate and other highways, said?Sharon Watson, a spokeswoman for?Kansas?emergency management services.

Missouri?Governor?Jay Nixon?and?Kansas?Governor Sam Brownback declared states of emergency because of possible power outages and generally hazardous travel.

Drought-stricken farmers in the Great Plains, one of the world's largest wheat-growing areas, welcomed the moisture, although experts said even more rain or snow would be needed to ensure healthy crops.

Meanwhile, in the Southeast, a "rich supply of Gulf moisture" will drive heavy rainfall from the Florida Panhandle east to the?Carolinas?on Saturday, the?National Weather Service?advisory said.

Additional reporting by Kevin Murphy, Ian Simpson, Kevin Gray, Steve Gorman and Chris Francescani; Editing by Vicki Allen and Gunna Dickson


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

People in China are enjoying the week-long holiday of Spring Festival, or Chines...

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Europol breaks up multi-million euro Internet fraud gang

MADRID (Reuters) - A network of online fraudsters who masqueraded as European crime-fighting agency Europol and collected millions of euros in fake fines has been broken up - by Europol.

The group, which worked across 30 countries over the past two years, paralyzed computers with a virus and left messages purporting to be from organizations like Europol and the police, saying users could only regain access to their machines if they paid a fine.

"It's impossible to know for sure how many citizens were affected by this, but we estimate hundreds of thousands of Europeans were," Europol Director Rob Wainwright said at a news conference in Madrid on Wednesday.

"If we take into account that the average fine was 100 euros ($130) and 3 percent...paid it, then the estimated damage is millions of euros," he said. Wainwright added his own name had been used to trick Internet users.

The virus was known as "Ransomware" and had up to 48 different mutations to overcome anti-virus software.

The leader of the fraud network, a 27-year-old Russian citizen, was arrested in December in the United Arab Emirates, Spain's secretary of state for security, Francisco Martinez, said at the news conference.

Spanish police arrested 10 members of the group last week on the country's southern Costa del Sol, a popular tourist destination, Martinez said.

Six of the detainees were Russians, two were Ukrainian and two from Georgia. These members mostly took care of money laundering and sending cash electronically to Russia, while the head of the group was responsible for developing the virus. ($1 = 0.7442 euros)

(Reporting by Cristina Fuentes-Cantillana; Writing by Clare Kane; Editing by Pravin Char)

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Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Why some people don't learn well: EEG shows insufficient processing of information to be learned

Feb. 13, 2013 ? The reason why some people are worse at learning than others has been revealed by a research team from Berlin, Bochum, and Leipzig, operating within the framework of the Germany-wide network "Bernstein Focus State Dependencies of Learning." They have discovered that the main problem is not that learning processes are inefficient per se, but that the brain insufficiently processes the information to be learned.

The scientists trained the subjects' sense of touch to be more sensitive. In subjects who responded well to the training, the EEG revealed characteristic changes in brain activity, more specifically in the alpha waves. These alpha waves show, among other things, how effectively the brain exploits the sensory information needed for learning. "An exciting question now is to what extent the alpha activity can be deliberately influenced with biofeedback," says PD Dr. Hubert Dinse from the Neural Plasticity Lab of the Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum. "This could have enormous implications for therapy after brain injury or, quite generally, for the understanding of learning processes." The research team from the Ruhr-Universit?t, the Humboldt Universit?t zu Berlin, Charit? -- Universit?tsmedizin Berlin and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences reported their findings in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Learning without attention: passive training of the sense of touch

How well we learn depends on genetic aspects, the individual brain anatomy, and, not least, on attention. "In recent years we have established a procedure with which we trigger learning processes in people that do not require attention," says Hubert Dinse. The researchers were, therefore, able to exclude attention as a factor. They repeatedly stimulated the participants' sense of touch for 30 minutes by electrically stimulating the skin of the hand. Before and after this passive training, they tested the so-called "two-point discrimination threshold," a measure of the sensitivity of touch. For this, they applied gentle pressure to the hand with two needles and determined the smallest distance between the needles at which the patient still perceived them as separate stimuli. On average, the passive training improved the discrimination threshold by twelve percent -- but not in all of the 26 participants. Using EEG, the team studied why some people learned better than others.

Imaging the brain state using EEG: the alpha waves are decisive

The cooperation partners from Berlin and Leipzig, PD Dr. Petra Ritter, Dr. Frank Freyer, and Dr. Robert Becker recorded the subjects' spontaneous EEG before and during passive training. They then identified the components of the brain activity related to improvement in the discrimination test. The alpha activity was decisive, i.e., the brain activity was in the frequency range 8 to 12 hertz. The higher the alpha activity before the passive training, the better the people learned. In addition, the more the alpha activity decreased during passive training, the more easily they learned. These effects occurred in the somatosensory cortex, that is, where the sense of touch is located in the brain.

Researchers seek new methods for therapy

"How the alpha rhythm manages to affect learning is something we investigate with computer models," says PD Dr. Petra Ritter, Head of the Working Group "Brain Modes" at the MPI Leipzig and the Berlin Charit?. "Only when we understand the complex information processing in the brain, can we intervene specifically in the processes to help disorders," adds Petra Ritter. New therapies are the aim of the cooperation network, which Ritter coordinates, the international "Virtual Brain" project, which her team collaborates on, and the "Neural Plasticity Lab," chaired by Hubert Dinse at the RUB.

Learning is dependent on access to sensory information

A high level of alpha activity counts as a marker of the readiness of the brain to exploit new incoming information. Conversely, a strong decrease of alpha activity during sensory stimulation counts as an indicator that the brain processes stimuli particularly efficiently. The results, therefore, suggest that perception-based learning is highly dependent on how accessible the sensory information is. The alpha activity, as a marker of constantly changing brain states, modulates this accessibility.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. F. Freyer, R. Becker, H.R. Dinse, P. Ritter. State-dependent perceptual learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 2013 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4039-12.2013

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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thirsty richmond: co-op food & drink - new york

After my uber-talented brother showed an amazing collection during New York Fashion Week, we went to what I refer to as THE BIG DINNER. It was a dinner hosted by my brother with a small group of family and celebrity friends to celebrate his 10th season showing.

It was my first big meal out since I started eating vegan and I was not sure what was going to happen. I was a nervous that I would have to explain myself to strangers wondering why I was not eating. I thought it was possible that I would have to skip some courses entirely, and I was anxious that I would be starving at the end of the meal. Absolutely, none of those things happened.

The Chef at CO-OP Food & Drink (New York) had prepared a tasting menu for our group. I live for a Chef?s tasting menu! And even though I did not get to try everything that hit the table, what I did eat was amazing and I felt amazing that I had enough self control to stick to my plan and keep it clean.

The dinner started with a cocktail called ?Christian?s Russian Rose? which was essentially a watermelon martini with fresh basil and a blood orange juice ice cube. Totally vegan.

Then the plates started to hit the table. Course one included Spicy Tuna on Crispy Rice, a Fried Chicken Biscuit, and a Chopped Salad. This was an obvious choice for me, chopped salad of Napa cabbage, smoked almonds, avocado and a sweet ginger dressing. I could have eaten 10 plates of this salad. I almost smacked the hand of the waiter that tried to clear the bowl for the second course because there was one morsel left. Fortunately for him, he had quick reflexes.

Course two was the sushi course, Red Snapper, Salmon, and the purple potato roll. I have eaten purple potatoes before, but never like this. This was a tempura sweet potato roll with avocado and jalepeno. I could not click my chopsticks fast enough.

Course number three was tricky. On the menu was Ginger Fried Chicken, Fresh Pappardelle with Short Rib Ragu, Truffle Mac & Cheese, and Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Talk about tempting. But I stuck to my guns and spooned some sprouts on my plate. The server confirmed they were cooked in oil, not butter, and all while playing detective.

To be honest, I was already stuffed, but when he came with a specially prepared vegetable bowl with rice that I had not even asked for, I just could not help myself. I did not want to be a special case that made the meal difficult, but I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to eat those incredibly prepared veggies. My bowl had more of the delicious Brussels sprouts, saut?ed garlic spinach, caramelized mushrooms, fresh avocado sliced in a beautiful fan and perfectly cooked brown rice. If only I knew how to cook veggies like that at home.

The meal, the company, and my outfit were all amazing. Not to mention I stared in the face of Fried Chicken and Mac & Cheese and left the table the victor of that battle.


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Verizon to create finance hub in Lake Mary with 750 jobs

12:33 p.m. EST, February 13, 2013

Verizon Communications will establish a finance and accounting center in Lake Mary that will have 750 new professional and administrative jobs by 2016, Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced today.

During a press conference in Lake Mary, Scott said the wireless carrier's new center will bring together Verizon's accounting, finance and back-office operations. It is expected to create 300 jobs by the end of 2014 and will grow to 750 jobs over the next two years.

The jobs will pay an average salary of $55,000, state and county officials said. Verizon will be moving some current employees and hiring additional workers with finance backgrounds from Central Florida. Those working at the center will not deal directly with customers.

Verizon plans to build a 200,000-square-foot, four-story building in Lake Mary off International Parkway, a boulevard of office buildings that also includes AAA's world headquarters. Construction is expected to begin in about three months, with Verizon moving in by the end of 2014.

Verizon Vice President Michelle Robinson said her company chose Lake Mary for its quality of life and noted that Verizon already employs 10,000 people in Florida.

The state offered tax incentives totaling $6 million to attract Verizon, which will consolidate its financial operations at the Lake Mary center and at a similar hub in Tulsa. Okla. The state also offered up $1.5 million in job training incentives.

"This is huge," said Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine. "These are the types of jobs that build communities."

Verizon, which had revenue of $116 billion in 2012, has more than 183,000 employees. Last year it was ranked 15th among Fortune 500 companies.

This is a developing story. Please check back for updates.


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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LAPD review of Christopher Dorner firing: why black community wants more

Even 20 years after the Rodney King riots, mistrust simmers between the LAPD and the black community. Some leaders say federal authorities need to investigate Christopher Dorner's claims.

By Daniel B. Wood,?Staff writer / February 11, 2013

LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck looks on during a news conference at the LAPD headquarters in Los Angeles Sunday. A record $1 million reward was posted Sunday for information leading to the capture of fugitive former Los Angeles cop Christopher Dorner, suspected of targeting police officers and their families in three killings committed in retaliation for his 2008 firing.

Patrick Fallon/Reuters


Los Angeles's African-American community is casting a skeptical eye on police chief Charlie Beck's decision Saturday to reopen the investigation into the 2008 firing of alleged cop killer Christopher Dorner. Twenty years after the Rodney King riots deep distrust remains, with some community leaders saying the Los Angeles Police Department cannot be trusted to investigate itself ? and that perhaps even the US Justice Department should be called in.?

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Mr. Dorner's firing from the LAPD is at the center of the online manifesto that outlines his motivations for revenge. Police say Dorner has already killed three people and has threatened several police officers and families by name. The massive manhunt for him began Thursday.

In his manifesto, Dorner calls his firing "unjust," and suggests that he was fired partly because he reported that a fellow cop kicked a suspect. The allegations of police abuse and prejudice within the LAPD strike a chord within the broader black community. Moreover, they come at a time when some black leaders worry that the LAPD is backsliding after making significant gains toward more inclusivenessxxxxx under the previous chief.

?We don?t agree with Dorner?s tactics, but many of us sympathize with his allegations,? says Najee Ali, a black activist and executive director of Project Islamic H.O.P.E. in Los Angeles. ?But we don?t think the LAPD can investigate itself and come up with a conclusion that will appease the black community. We think the US Justice Department needs to do it.?

Others have echoed the call for an outside investigation.

?Having the LAPD conduct an internal investigation is like asking Bonnie to investigate Clyde,? says Jasmyne Cannick, an African-American community activist, political commentator, and nationally syndicated columnist. ?Not only does this specific incident need to be investigated, but the very process that the LAPD uses needs to be carefully looked at.?

She suggests tapping a panel of retired judges, respected journalists, or local clergy for which the black community has high regard.

Chief Beck appears to recognize the distrust that Dorner's allegations have rekindled with in the black community. ???

?It is important to me that we have a department that is seen as valuing fairness,? Beck said at a press conference Saturday.

He also solicited popular local black broadcast reporter Pat Harvey for an interview, in which he said he did not want to appease Dorner but rather to provide transparency to communities of color. Beck said during the interview that he didn?t want the LAPD to slide backward on the gains it has has made since the department became the international poster child for police abuse and corruption in the 1990s in cases ranging from the beating of Rodney King to the trial of O.J. Simpson.


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AP PHOTOS: Celebrating Lunar New Year around world

Lunar New Year is being celebrated in China and around the world.

Setting off fireworks to celebrate renewal and ward off evil spirits is a traditional part of the celebration. China virtually shuts down for the week as people visit with families in their hometowns.

Here's a collection of images from the holiday:


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Steve Jobs' dream before he died 'was to design iCar'

Apple's visionary co-founder Steve Jobs' final ambition before he died was to see Apple to dominate the roads with its 'iCars'.

According to a report by Business Insider, the co-founder and CEO of the iPhone maker told associates he wanted to create an Apple car.

Jobs also reportedly told the 'Times', during a meeting prior to his death, that he wanted to ''take on Detroit''.

According to the 'Daily Mail', longtime Apple board member Mickey Drexler, who is also the CEO of J Crew, confirmed the report, saying 'Steve''s dream before he died was to design an iCar.'

Drexler believes the never-realized Apple car could have made a serious impact in the American car market.

Meanwhile, Apple's largest rival Google has already famously put weight behind a self-driving car, the paper said.

The Google driver-less car, as it's most often known, has been the subject of countless videos and news articles detailing the likelihood (or unlikelihood) of its success or even feasibility, it added.

Tags: Steve Jobs, Apple icar, Apple iPhone

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Hearst Is Revamping All Of Its Online Magazines With A Responsive, Personalized Design

town and country mobileOver the next few months, all of Hearst Digital Media's titles are getting a new look. Tom Smith, Hearst's vice president of technology and strategy, told me that the whole company is switching to a new publishing platform, which incorporates both responsive design and personalization. The first two magazines to make the switch are and (Other Hearst titles include Cosmopolitan, Popular Mechanics, Good Housekeeping, and Esquire.)


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Monday, February 11, 2013

Adele, Kelly Clarkson Rule Pop Categories At Grammy Awards

Gotye and Kimbra also took home a Grammy Award Sunday night, for Best Pop Duo / Group Performance.
By Jocelyn Vena

Kelly Clarkson wins at the 55th annual Grammy Awards
Photo: Getty Images


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Chyna: Go to a baseball game

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Added: February 10, 2013
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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Top Tips for Bareboat Sailing | Internet and Businesses Online ...

Bareboat sailing ensures that the yacht you charter doesn?t have the amenities you would have having a crewed or luxury sailing charter or top notch hotel in North Conway NH. You don?t necessarily must have sailing experience as you will have a captain and crew along on these charters at the same time. In case you book a charter, you must supply all your own food aside from that in the captain and crew. You?ll need to pay these individuals yourself because that cost is not contained in the quote for bareboat sailing yachts.?
You are able to book a bareboat sailing charter in just about any place in the world where there are sailing charters available. You can sail the yacht yourself if you?ve got the necessary qualifications. However, in numerous parts on the planet where you can find navigation hazards, like from the islands of Greece, you may want to provide an experienced captain with you for bareboat sailing. The charter company will provide all the navigational charts you need and will give you the instruction you may need to enable you to use a safe sailing charter.
Have you ever considered ?sailing over the coast of Maine? ?Though not too definately not North Conway NH, the yachts intended for these sailing charters are well maintained as well as the budget price offers you a low priced vacation. The key cost associated with this type of ?sailing charter would be the travel costs associated with dealing with Maine. Living costs is quite low in this world, so the price tag on the ?yacht just isn?t expensive in any way. Furthermore, the price of groceries you should wear may also be highly affordable.?
Bareboat sailing in Maine will allow you to charter a yacht that is certainly very easy to handle along with able to accommodate a smaller family or several couples. The protected bays and inlets over the coast are really simple to navigate and will provide you with an exceptional look at Turkish culture. With a ?sailing charter in Maine, you may enjoy sun filled days, exotic scenery and turquoise waters. There are numerous itineraries that you can choose between if this type of ?charter appeals to you.?
Choosing Maine or North Conway NH?as your location for ?sailing will offer you a stress free holiday. There are no tides, currents or high waves to concern yourself with and there is commonly a steady afternoon wind in the summer, making for ideal sailing conditions. The water temperature is ideal for swimming in the summer, so that your ?yacht turn into your diving platform. Considering ?sailing, there are many places on earth you are able to go that you may have a challenging decision to generate.


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Court file: LA ex-cop was disturbed, self-obsessed

(AP) ? A photo never tells the whole story, and that's especially true for Christopher Dorner. The images on his Facebook page are essentially the same: Dorner, smiling, seemingly loving life and all it offers.

But they accompany a rambling document where he portrays himself as a real-life Rambo, an expert in weapons, explosives and military tactics who will stop at nothing to avenge his 2008 firing from the Los Angeles Police Department.

It's incongruous and it underscores the complexity of the man who now is the most wanted in America, accused of killing three people as he carries out his vendetta.

Where Dorner sees himself as a warrior, others see someone much different. The 6-foot, 270-pounder is a physical hulk who ? despite his size ? seemed to battle deep-seated insecurities, lived with his mother and cracked under the pressures of police work.

Court and police files show that Dorner once began weeping while on duty in a patrol car, awkwardly flashed his police badge on a first date and told a girlfriend he kept his emotions bottled up.

Those who study the psyches of criminals said Dorner's aggressive and self-aggrandizing rant indicates a classic case of malignant narcissist personality disorder. Some people with the disorder are extremely thin-skinned and vengeful, said Mary Ellen O'Toole, a retired FBI profiler.

They may seem insecure, she said, but in reality their rages ? and even tears ? are extreme reactions to real or imagined criticisms because they have such grandiose visions of themselves.

"He's putting in his manifesto that he's going to use all the training he received as an LAPD officer and as a military officer to basically hold Southern California hostage, and to be there when you least expect it," she said. "Is he deadly? Yes. Of course he has killed people."

"But is he capable of taking on some 1,000 officers looking for him? That's someone with a personality disorder," she said.

Dorner, 33, is accused of killing a woman last weekend whose father had represented him as he fought to keep his police job, and the woman's fiance. On Thursday, police say he ambushed two officers, killing one, and then vanished, setting off a manhunt that put police on alert across the Southwest.

The search Friday focused on the mountains around Big Bear Lake, about 80 miles east of Los Angeles. Police said officers still were guarding more than 40 people mentioned as targets in the rant.

The rambling manifesto was on a Facebook page that also includes smiling pictures of Dorner and critiques or politicians, musicians, and comedians. He also offers commentary on topics from gun control ? he wants stricter laws for assault weapons ? to sexual abuse by priests to the proper room temperature.

Court papers from 2006 show that Dorner requested a restraining order against a woman he had dated for six weeks after he said she posted his LAPD badge number and trash-talked about him on a website called

Dorner attached the lengthy posting he said was by his ex-girlfriend, Ariana Williams, as well as a handwritten note she apparently placed on his belongings when she returned them after they broke up.

In the web posting, Dorner is described as "severely emotionally and mentally disturbed," ''twisted" and "super paranoid." It also said he flashed his police badge on their first date, lives with his mother and hates himself for being black ? at one point asking her to act more like a white woman.

"Just be careful because this guy is a police officer and he will probably think that he can get away with anything. ... If you value your sanity, stay away from this guy."

Dorner claimed Williams was harassing him and sent a threatening letter to his home. He asked that she also stay away from his mother and sister. In her response, Williams denied Dorner's allegations.

Records show Dorner did not show up at a hearing in November 2006 and the case was terminated. She could not be reached to comment. Her attorney, Stephen G. Rodriguez, did not return a call or email seeking comment.

In 2008, after Dorner was deployed to Bahrain with the Navy Reserves, he returned to the LAPD and began to patrol with his training officer, Sgt. Teresa Evans. He had worked for just four months after his graduation from the academy before being sent overseas.

In internal police papers, Evans said Dorner repeatedly asked why he was being put back on patrol without reintegration training. On one occasion, he began weeping in the patrol car and demanded to be taken back to the police academy to be retrained, according to a summary of an interview with Evans contained in 2009 court documents.

Evans warned Dorner that she would give him an unsatisfactory rating and request that he be removed from the field unless he improved. A day after she followed up on her threat with a poor review, Dorner reported to internal affairs that Evans had kicked a severely mentally ill man in the chest and left cheek during an arrest.

A police review panel ultimately found the allegation untrue and Dorner was fired for making a false statement.

In the manifesto, Dorner said the LAPD destroyed his life, ruined his relationships with his mother and sister and harmed his military career.

Those types of statements don't surprise O'Toole, the former FBI profiler, who said narcissists feel intense shame and humiliation when outside events challenge their perception of themselves.

"He's somebody I call an injustice collector," she said. "When they respond to an injustice that they think is out there, their reaction is completely over the top."


Associated Press reporter Julie Watson in San Diego contributed to the story.

Associated Press


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France hunting fraudsters in horsemeat scandal

PARIS (AP) ? Europe's horsemeat scandal is spreading and threatening cross-border tensions, as France says Romanian butchers and Dutch and Cypriot traders were part of a supply chain that resulted in horsemeat disguised as beef being sold in frozen lasagna around the continent.

No one has reported health risks from the mislabeled meat, but it has unsettled consumers across Europe.

Accusations are flying. In France, the foreign minister called it "disgusting," and consumer safety authorities increased inspections of the country's meat business, from slaughterhouses to supermarkets. Romania's president is scrambling to salvage his country's reputation. A Swedish manufacturer is suing a French supplier central to the affair.

The motivation for passing off horsemeat as beef appeared to be financial, and authorities are concentrating on pursuing anyone guilty of fraud in the affair, said France's junior minister for consumer goods, Benoit French Benoit Hamon.

The complex supply chain for the suspicious meat crossed Europe's map.

An initial investigation by French safety authorities determined that French company Poujol bought frozen meat from a Cypriot trader, Hamon's office said in a statement Sunday. That trader had received it from a Dutch food trader, and that Dutch company had received the meat from two Romanian slaughterhouses.

The statement didn't name the Romanian, Cypriot or Dutch companies.

Poujol then supplied a Luxembourg factory, Hamon's statement said. The Luxembourg factory is owned by French group Comigel. The lasagna was ultimately sold under the Sweden-based Findus brand.

French supermarkets announced Sunday that they've recalled a raft of pre-prepared meals, including lasagna, moussaka and cannelloni suspected of containing undeclared horsemeat. The French ministers for agriculture, the food industry and consumer protection are holding an emergency meeting Monday with meat producers.

While horsemeat is largely taboo in Britain and some other countries, in France it is sold in specialty butcher shops and prized by some connoisseurs. But French authorities are worried about producers misleading the public. Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called Sunday night on BFM television for "tough punishments" for what he described as "abominable" fraud.

An affair that started earlier this year with worries about horsemeat in burgers in Ireland and Britain has spread into a Europe-wide scandal.

The EU commissioner for agriculture is meeting Monday with Romania's foreign minister about the latest horsemeat worries. Romanian President Traian Basescu said Sunday that his country could face potential export restrictions and lose credibility "for many years" if the Romanian butchers turn out to be the root of the problem.

"I hope that this won't happen," Basescu said in televised statements. Romania's agricultural ministry has begun an investigation.

In the Netherlands, Esther Filon, spokeswoman for the Dutch Foods and Wares Authority, said Sunday that the Dutch haven't started investigating but they are ready to if necessary.

"We're a ways away from being able to confirm or deny whether a Dutch company is involved," she said. "It would presumably be a question of fraud, rather than food safety. Horse meat can be sold legally in the Netherlands, as long as it is labeled as such."

Findus Sweden plans to sue France's Comigel for breach of contract and fraud, Findus Nordic CEO Jari Latvanen said Sunday. He said the company's deal with Comigel stipulates the beef in the lasagna should come from Germany, France or Austria, but that has not been the case.

"Customers must be able to trust the contents declaration," he said. "We will take strong action to make sure those who are liable in this affair are punished. Our reputation has been damaged, and we do everything to re-establish confidence."

Officials with Comigel did not immediately respond to phone calls or emails.

French media says Poujol subsidiary Spanghero bought the original meat in question. Spanghero says in a statement on its website that it bought what was labeled beef products from Romania, and threatened to take action against the supplier.


Alison Mutler in Bucharest, Romania, Toby Sterling in Amsterdam, and Malin Rising in Stockholm contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cost Per Click For Facebook Ads Sink - Business Insider

Social Media Insights is a new daily newsletter from Business Insider that collects and delivers the top social media news first thing every morning. You can sign up to receive Social Media Insights here or at the bottom of this post.

Facebook To Buy Microsoft's Ad-Serving Business (AdAge)
Microsoft's attempt to find a new home for its Atlas ad-serving business may finally be coming to an end. The company is expected to announce a deal to sell it to Facebook as early as next week, according to multiple people familiar with the plans. The acquisition price is not known, but is expected to be less than $100 million, based on prior bids for Atlas, which have been in the $30 to $50 million range. The acquisition would be the surest sign yet that Facebook has designs on becoming an even bigger player in advertising than it currently is now. Facebook is methodically laying the groundwork for an off-Facebook ad network powered by social data to prove the worth of the data it sits on as well as the effectiveness of its ads. Read >>

Facebook's Cost-Per-Click Dropping (TBG Digital via Inside Facebook)
Average cost-per-click for Facebook ads reached record lows in the U.S. and decreased across other regions in the fourth quarter of 2012, according to data from third-party ad company TBG Digital.

TBG attributes this to the rise of News Feed ads on desktop and mobile, that have lower CPCs than sidebar ads. In the U.S., where advertisers are adopting this format more quickly, CPCs decreased by 37 percent in the fourth quarter, and that?s on top of a 40 percent decrease in the third quarter. CPCs in the U.S. are now lower than those in Canada, France, Germany and the U.K. Read >>

What Are The Best Days To Share Content On Facebook? (Digital Sherpa)
Here are some other interesting facts to help with your company?s social media optimization strategy:

  • Content published on Facebook between 8pm and 7am is 14 percent more likely to attract attention than posts published between 8am and 7pm.
  • Companies that make one or two Facebook posts per day have 19 percent more customer interaction through social media.
  • Posting too often on Facebook can actually have a negative effect.
  • Only 14 percent of Facebook posts are published during the weekend, and these posts are 14.5 percent more likely to generate customer interaction than weekday posts.

It?s probably no surprise that there are peak days of the week for publishing content, whether you are sharing a press release or are posting about a new product offering on your company?s Facebook page. Read >>

Is Pinterest Worth $2.5 Billion Dollars? (The Huffington Post)
Pinterest has the opportunity to become a center for social commerce. The news that Ben Silbermann, the founder and CEO, is raising another round of funding at a $2.5 billion dollar valuation came as a surprise, as some are not convinced that Pinterest can innovate fast enough: the website and mobile applications have not changed and they have been slow to give access to their API. In May 2012, the company raised $100 million dollars at a $1.5 billion dollar valuation. Now, nine months later, Pinterest wants to raise more money at a $2.5 billion dollar valuation? So what exactly did they do with the $100 million they just raised? Read >>

Twitter's Latest Investment Is About TV-Related Tweets (BI Intelligence)
BII_2ndScreen_twitter3Twitter has confirmed that it purchased social TV data analytics startup Bluefin Labs. BI Intelligence interviewed Tom Thai, vice president of marketing and business development at Bluefin, about the breakneck pace of growth in social TV activity and how smartphones and tablets were helping this behavior go mainstream. The interview was for our new report on how the "second screen" industry will ultimately succeed in drawing significant audiences. We also analyze how they will begin to see some advertising dollars, look at who second screen audiences are, explore the second screen opportunity from the broadcaster angle, and detail the opportunity represented by audience analytics and second screen commerce. Read >>

What Every Executive Needs To Know About Social Media (Dave Kerpen via LinkedIn)
Social media is still in its infancy, and many business executives still don't understand how to leverage it for their organizations, large or small. They're too focused on the talking, and not focused enough on the listening. Whatever your organization does, you can find your customers and prospects on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and everywhere on the social Web, by listening for the right words. The one thing every business executive must understand about social media: The secret to social media success isn't in talking - it's in listening. Read >>

Making Your Blog More Marketable (Hubspot via Social Media Examiner)
Blogs are a form of social media. Through social sharing, comments and guest posts, blogs provide the basis for building a targeted community. In fact, HubSpot?s research showed that blogs top other forms of social media for effectiveness.

Whether you?re a small business or a Fortune 100 company, blogs should be at the heart of your content marketing because blogs fuel social media, search optimization and the sales process. Read >>

What Type Of Social Networker Are You??(MyLife via Mashable)
You can probably group friends into categories based on their online behavior. According to a social behavior study by MyLife, which was conducted among 890 adults ages 18 and older, there's a good chance you fit into one of these personas. Read >>


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A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.


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Christopher Dorner Manhunt: Search For Ex-Cop Suspected Of Killing 3 Covers California

BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. ? Police spent all night searching the snowy mountains of Southern California but were unable to find the former Los Angeles police officer accused of carrying out a killing spreebecause he felt he was unfairly fired from his job.

Authorities planned a midmorning Friday news conference about 80 miles east of LA at Big Bear Lake, where Christopher Dorner's torched pickup was found Thursday.

Local ski areas were open, but Bear Valley schoolchildren had the day off because of the manhunt.

About 150 miles to the south, up to 16 San Diego County sheriff's deputies spent the night surrounding and searching a rural home after a hoaxer reported Dorner was there. There were people at home but Dorner wasn't one of them, said Lt. Jason Rothlein. Investigators have a pretty good idea who made the call and will be seek criminal charges, he said.

Though the focus is on the resort area, the search for Dorner, 33, stretches across California, Nevada, Arizona and northern Mexico. LAPD officers are especially on edge because Dorner, who was fired from the force in 2008 after three years on the job, promised in rambling writings to bring "warfare" to police and their families.

"We don't know what he's going to do," said Cindy Bachman, spokeswoman for the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, one of many law enforcement agencies whose primary purpose has become finding Dorner. "We know what he's capable of doing. And we need to find him."

Tracks that surrounded the truck and hours of door-to-door searching around Bear Mountain Ski Resort turned up nothing, and authorities conceded that the whereabouts of Dorner, also a former Naval reservist and onetime college running back, remained a mystery.

"He could be anywhere at this point," said San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon, who had 125 deputies and police officers and two helicopters searching the community of Big Bear Lake, where light snow fell early Friday morning.

The saga began Sunday night, when Monica Quan and fiance Keith Lawrence were found shot in their car at a parking structure at their condominium in Irvine. Quan was an assistant women's basketball coach at Cal State Fullerton.

The following morning in National City, near San Diego, some of Dorner's belongings, including police equipment and paperwork with names related to the LAPD, were found in a trash bin.

The LAPD was notified of the find, and two days later informed Irvine police of an angry manifesto written by a former officer and posted on Facebook. Among those named as targets was Randal Quan, a former LAPD captain turned attorney who represented Dorner in his unsuccessful attempts to keep the police job he lost in 2008 for making false statements.

Randal Quan was also Monica Quan's father.

"Bing bing bing, the dots were connecting," Irvine police Lt. Julia Engen said. "These names are somehow associated to Mr. Quan, who just lost his daughter the prior day. The dots connected. OK, now we've got a name of somebody to look at. That's when the discovery was connected."

On Wednesday night, Irvine and Los Angeles police announced they were searching for Dorner, declaring him armed and "extremely dangerous." Hours later, they learned they were all too correct.

Two LAPD officers en route to provide security to one of Dorner's possible targets were flagged down by a resident who reported seeing the suspect early Thursday at a gas station in Corona. The officers then followed a pickup truck until it stopped. The driver, believed to be Dorner, got out and fired a rifle, police said. A bullet grazed an officer's head.

Later, two officers on routine patrol in neighboring Riverside were ambushed at a stoplight by a motorist who drove up next to them and opened fire with a rifle. One died and the other was seriously wounded but was expected to survive, said Riverside police Chief Sergio Diaz.

Thousands of heavily armed officers patrolled highways throughout Southern California, while some stood guard outside the homes of people police said Dorner vowed to attack. Electronic billboards, which usually alert motorists about the commute, urged them to call 911 if they saw him.

At a news conference held amid heightened security in an underground room at police headquarters, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck urged Dorner to surrender.

"Of course he knows what he's doing; we trained him. He was also a member of the Armed Forces," he said. "It is extremely worrisome and scary."

While in the Naval Reserves, Dorner earned a rifle marksman ribbon and pistol expert medal. He was assigned to a naval undersea warfare unit and various aviation training units, according to military records, taking a leave from the LAPD to be deployed to Bahrain in 2006 and 2007.

He wrote that he would "utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordinance and survival training I've been given," the manifesto read.

The hunt led to two errant shootings in the pre-dawn darkness Thursday.

LAPD officers guarding a target named in the manifesto shot and wounded two women in suburban Torrance who were in a pickup truck delivering newspapers. Investigators said Maggie Carranza, 47, and her mother, Emma Hernandez, 71, were in a Toyota Tundra, similar to Dorner's Nissan Titan. Carranza had minor hand injuries. Hernandez was hospitalized with a gunshot wound in the back. A lawyer said they had no warning.

Minutes later, Torrance officers responding to a report of gunshots encountered a dark pickup matching the description of Dorner's, police said. A collision occurred and the officers fired on the pickup. The unidentified driver was not hit and it turned out not to be the suspect vehicle, they said.

In San Diego, where police said Dorner tied up an elderly man and unsuccessfully tried to steal his boat Wednesday night, Naval Base Point Loma was locked down Thursday after a Navy worker reported seeing someone who resembled Dorner.

Navy Cmdr. Brad Fagan said officials believe Dorner had checked into a base hotel on Tuesday and left the next day without checking out. Numerous agencies guarded the base on Thursday. Fagan said Dorner was honorably discharged and that his last day in the Navy was last Friday.

Nevada authorities also joined the search, because Dorner owns a house nine miles from the Las Vegas Strip.

In Big Bear, Dorner's pickup was taken to be processed at a crime lab Thursday evening and examined by investigators from multiple agencies.

The manhunt was affecting some local businesses. A couple of fast food restaurants shut their doors and only took drive-in customers, and the main shopping avenue had light foot traffic.

Dorner's writings suggested he did not expect to live through the ordeal.

"Unfortunately, I will not be alive to see my name cleared," he wrote at one point in his manifesto, later saying, "Self-preservation is no longer important to me. I do not fear death as I died long ago."


Associated Press writers contributing to this report include Jeff Wilson, Bob Jablon, Greg Risling, Shaya Tayefe Mohajer, Linda Deutsch and John Antczak in Los Angeles, Ken Ritter in Las Vegas, and Elliot Spagat and Julie Watson in San Diego.

Abdollah reported from Los Angeles. She can be reached on Twitter at

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Friday, February 8, 2013

Half of China's PCs infected by malware: study

China often gets blamed as the world's biggest hacker, but it may also be the world's biggest victim of cybercrime. Nearly 55 percent of Windows PCs in China were infected with malware in 2012, said Spanish anti-virus software maker Panda Labs in its annual security report.

However, that conflicts with a Microsoft study that said Chinese infection rates were very low, less than half a percentage point, in the last quarter of 2011.

The wildly different numbers may say more about the two companies' different aims than about how infected China, or any other country, really is ? and how difficult it is to compile accurate statistics relating to computer security.

Agreeing to disagree
Like China, the country's de facto independent province of Taiwan also ended up at different ends of the studies.

Taiwan had a 42 percent infection rate per Panda Labs, but was lumped in with the mainland on the lowest tier of Microsoft's rankings ? 0.5 percent or less.

Both studies did agree on the rankings of certain countries.

South Korea, named by previous studies as the world's most malware-infected country, placed second in Panda Labs' figures, with a 54 percent infection rate. It was midway up Microsoft's scale, with infection rates of between 1 to 1.5 percent.

Likewise, Turkey placed high in infection rates in both studies, while Canada, Ireland and the Nordic countries placed very low.

The United States was midrange in both, with a 31 percent infection rate according to Panda Labs and a 0.5 to 1 percent rate according to Microsoft.

[8 Simple Tips for Securing Your Computer]

Different strokes
It's not completely clear why the Microsoft and Panda studies had such different results, since they both collected data from each company's widely installed software.

Part of the discrepancy can be explained by the different time scales. Microsoft's study covers a three-month period, Panda Labs' an entire year.

Yet Panda's reported infection rates aren't merely four times as large as Microsoft's ? they're 30 to 100 times as large.

Another possible reason may lie in the size and composition of the samples.

Microsoft's numbers were compiled from 600 million installations of its free Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT).

The MSRT is an optional download, so its global distribution may vary country by country, but 600 million is a healthy sample size.

Panda's numbers came from its Collective Intelligence service, which collects data from users of Panda's free and paid security software.

It's hard to find just how big, and how evenly distributed, Panda's user base is. The company website states only that Panda's products have "millions of users located in 195 countries around the world."

It could be that the installation base of the MSRT, or of Collective Intelligence, or both, is very low in China, skewing the country's numbers.

As for the tools themselves, neither is a true anti-virus product. Collective Intelligence acts as a scout, detecting and reporting new malware threats to Panda Labs and its clients so that the company's anti-virus software can defend against the threats.

The MSRT is the opposite. It's the cleanup crew, removing malicious files that anti-virus products have detected.

It's easy to see how Collective Intelligence might overreport malware infection rates, since its job is to be safe rather than sorry.

Likewise, the MSRT might underreport those same rates, since it only swings into action when anti-virus software itself fails to remove malware.

For different folks
But ultimately, the real reason for the wildly divergent results may have to do with Microsoft's and Panda's business models.

Like other anti-virus companies, Panda is in the business of emphasizing the malware threat to computers, most of which run Microsoft Windows. To do a good job, it needs to find as many threats as it can.

Microsoft, on the other hand, wants to sell its operating systems, not dwell on how many threats those operating systems face.

Like Microsoft's anti-virus solutions, Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials, the MSRT does an adequate but unspectacular job.

So which report can you trust? Neither, and both. Both reports provide useful and insightful information.

But as with most statistics, reports and other figures tossed around regarding computer security, it's best to always consider where the information comes from, how it was collected and what the party reporting it really wants to say.

Copyright 2013 TechNewsDaily, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Data-wiping algorithm cleans your cellphone

Paul Marks, chief technology correspondentMailing your cellphone to a recycling company might make you a few pounds, but it can leave you at risk of identity theft. The deletion techniques recycling companies use are meant for hard discs, and so don't work on the solid-state flash memory used in mobile phones. That means personal data like banking info, texts, contacts and pictures can end up in the hands of, well, anyone the phone ends up with. ?To remedy the problem, British company BlackBelt Smartphone Defence of Skelmersdale, Lancashire claims to have developed a software algorithm that can securely delete data on cellphone memory chips. The trouble with data in a flash memory chip is that it is protected by an on-chip protection algorithm called the wear leveller. This hard-coded routine does its best to ensure the chip's lifetime is maximised so that each memory cell's ability to store charge is not worn out.

"The problem is that the wear-levelling algorithm ends up working against the data wiping technique used for hard drives, which tries to overwrite all the data," says the company's Ken Garner.

What the firm has done is write their own algorithm, called BlackBelt DataWipe, that works with, rather than against, the leveller routine to render data irrecoverable. "It is like having a shredder for personally identifiable data," says Garner.
However, they don't yet know if their method is proof against sophisticated, nation-state level attacks - which might use electron microscopes to read the last vestiges of the zeros and ones on a memory chip. "I imagine if you're GCHQ you'll probably have technology that could get around this and recover it in some way," says Garner.


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Internet Trolls Inspire Writer's Anti-Bigotry Campaign And Over ...

John_ScalziScience fiction author John Scalzi turned a negative into a positive when he pledged to donate $5 to the Human Rights Campaign, among other charities, every time an internet ?troll? made a derogatory comment on his site.

Scalzi originally capped his donation at $1000, but once word spread, he?s managed to raise over $60,000 in a matter of days.

The ?Counteract a Bigot? fund drive, as it?s come to be known, stemmed from Scalzi?s rivalry with former WorldNetDaily columnist and fellow sci-fi scribe, Vox Dean (real name Theodore Beale), whom Scalzi lovingly refers to as the Racist Homophobic Dipshit.

As Salon reports, things had been testy between the two since 2005, when Dean claimed women ?are academically cauterized into intellectual brain death? and too busy ?yammering on and on about their feelings in Women?s Studies classes.?

Scalzi, current president of the?Science?Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, responded by calling Dean, ?a jackass, and a fairly ignorant jackass at that.?

Then late last year, during all that feel-good ?legitimate rape? talk of the election, Scalzi wrote a satirical ?fan letter? in which he adopted the persona of a rapist. Dean published a non-satirical blog post entitled, ?John Scalzi is a Rapist,? referring to his nemesis as ?McRapey.?

?Since then he has referred to me as ?McRapey? and other such similar names,? Scalzi said. ?I don?t know whether he actively encourages people to troll my site, as I don?t visit his site (life?s too short), but about once a day (recently) someone shows up to troll my comment section, calling me ?McRapey? and or describing me as a ?gamma male? and describing how awesome he is in some way or another.?

That?s when he started the Counteract a Bigot drive. ?The whole point of this is not to intimidate him to stop speaking,? Scalzi told Salon. ?You will not get this guy to stop speaking. He sees this as a contest, as a battle of wills.?

Besides the Human Rights Campaign, the funds raised from the drive will be donated to Emily?s List, RAINN and the NAACP. Scalzi took to his blog to express his gratitude to all those who had pledged their support:

?I?m deeply honored and humbled by this, both by the show of support for me, and rather more importantly, by the show of support for organizations focused on women, GLBT, people of color and those sexually abused. Thanks, folks.?

As for Dean, he?s launched a new campaign to succeed Scalzi as president of the Science?Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.


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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mike Tyson Portrays A Childhood Rape Victim Now On Death Row On 'Law & Order: SVU' (VIDEO)

Mike Tyson took on the role of a death row inmate on the latest episode of "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit." He was a victim of childhood sexual abuse who had been sentenced to die for committing murder against a man who was abusing him as an adult. It was a murder that his character, Reggie Rhodes, fully admitted to killing, but there were nevertheless some questions about his conviction.

"The man you murdered. At trial, they said to Reggie," Fin asked Reggie. "Is it more to it than that?"

But by this point, Reggie was resigned to his fate. "I did kill him. And I can?t take that back," he said. "Trying to stay at peace. Now get the hell out of here, now!"

Olivia and Ellis uncovered negligence in the case against him and were able to get him a stay of execution, as well as the possibility of a new trial.

There was some controversy when Tyson was cast because he was convicted in 1992 of rape. He served three years of a six-year sentence, though he has maintained that it was consensual.

There are new cases every week on "Law & Order: SVU," Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EST on NBC.

TV Replay scours the vast television landscape to find the most interesting, amusing, and, on a good day, amazing moments, and delivers them right to your browser.

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