You already know from yesterday, that, around here, Winter is tailing off?I think that really becomes apparent here when the coats get moved from the hallway to stored away in a cupboard for the next 8 months?
Now I may just be jumping the gun a bit, because there is definitely still a nip in the air, but, this weekend the hallway got zapped and Winter things got put away.
I have recently been putting quite a bit of effort into keeping this old cottage looking the way I want it to look, more of the time, I have been de-cluttering, re-organizing, chucking out the chintz, scrubbing and spritzing?and a few people commented on Instagram about how it always seems tidy and clean here?
Well I would like it to be like that all the time, but remember I show you the good bits on here?when the Beach Cottage Crew are home from school and husbands kick off their shoes at the end of the day it certainly is not looking all things perfect ?what you see is how I like it, I come here to make me smile, to inspire me to continue to make improvements in our home and to celebrate the little things of our new life by the sea in Australia?it just as simple as that..
And this is part of all of that? the hallway, tidied up of Winter stuff?
?doors wide open, fresh air wooshing through, sunshine streaming in and Summer baskets back in rotation, waiting to go?

I moved this old white ladder in here and the unit that was in here out?it?s just too tiny for much and I thought the ladder might hold a few things but without making it too cluttered?it used to live in the bathroom, in fact it?s lived most places now..

?do any of you know of one of those? ?Probs not I am guessing, if you knew that you?d be rich and certainly not here reading about my old tatty old cottage on the beaches
?the only answer to it all I thought as I got down to it in here, is as ever in life, a bit of hard work, a tad of elbow grease and that you reap what you sow.
But I am guessing you knew that already?
Bye for now lovelies
I am off to put something away, to paint something, or perhaps if all that fails, tie the odd messy toe-rag of a teenager to a tree?hahaha
See you soon with some beachy shots and more on the coastal table?I think you are going to love them
I hope you like my Winter-cleared ready for Spring hallway?
Next time then
p.s. ?in Beach Cottage Places, some?lovely comfort in Beach Cottage Food

Source: http://www.abeachcottage.com/2012/08/beach-cottage-hallway-in-the-spring.html
yield crossbow airhead atherosclerosis steven tyler tropic thunder carnie wilson
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