Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Computational analysis identifies drugs to treat drug-resistant breast cancer

ScienceDaily (July 31, 2012) ? Researchers have used computational analysis to identify a new Achilles heel for the treatment of drug-resistant breast cancer. The results, which are published in Molecular Systems Biology, reveal that the disruption of glucose metabolism is an effective therapeutic strategy for the treatment of tumours that have acquired resistance to front-line cancer drugs such as Lapatinib.

?The growth and survival of cancer cells can often be impaired by treatment with drugs that interfere with the actions of one or more oncogenes,? said Prahlad Ram, the senior author of the study and Professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas. ?However, the clinical benefits to patients are often short lived due to acquired drug resistance. Finding alternative intervention points or so-called new addictions for cancer cells is of critical importance for designing novel therapeutic strategies against tumours. Our results reveal specific new targets for drug intervention in the metabolic pathways of cancer cells and identify existing drugs that can be used to treat drug-resistant cancer.?

Lapatinib is used for the treatment of patients with advanced or metastatic breast cancer in cases where tumours overexpress the ErbB2 gene. The ErbB2 gene provides instructions for making a specific growth factor receptor. If too much of this ErbB2 growth factor receptor is made, it can lead to cells that grow and divide continuously, one of the defining characteristics of breast cancer.??

The scientists used microarrays to measure gene expression in breast cancer cells with and without treatment with Lapatinib. Computational analysis of more than 15000 gene interactions revealed four major populations of genes that were regulated in a significant way. Three of these groups were the regular suspects related to drug resistance, such as genes involved in oxidation and reduction reactions or cell cycle processes. A fourth group comprised a network of reactions linked to the deprivation of glucose.

Analysis of the gene expression networks of ErbB2-positive breast cancer patients revealed that the glucose deprivation network is linked to low survival rates of the patients. Computational screening of a library of existing drugs for therapeutics that target the glucose deprivation response identified several drugs that could be effective in treating drug-resistant breast cancer.

?By developing novel gene expression analysis algorithms and integrating diverse data, we have been able to look beyond changes in the immediate molecular signaling pathways of breast cancer cells and to consider the wider system of molecular networks within the cell,? remarked Ram. ?Our approach predicts new uses for existing drugs that impact the metabolism of breast cancer cells and may offer an expedient route to improved treatments for breast cancer patients.?

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by EMBO - excellence in life sciences.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kakajan Komurov, Jen-Te Tseng, Melissa Muller, Elena G Seviour, Tyler J Moss, Lifeng Yang, Deepak Nagrath, Prahlad T Ram. The glucose-deprivation network counteracts lapatinib-induced toxicity in resistant ErbB2-positive breast cancer cells. Molecular Systems Biology, 2012; 8 DOI: 10.1038/msb.2012.25

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/07/120731123329.htm

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Know The Art Of Blogging | Internet and Email Marketing News

If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments and so on.

Blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a ?server?s log file.? It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

However, with web logging, you still need a web site and domain names, but with blogging, you do not need anything just an account with blog providers. In most cases, these kinds of blogs are free of charge. \

With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.

Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online. They can then share it with their friends or people who have the same interest.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight.

Business blogs are created to advertise the services or products of a certain web site or online business in order to increase online sales. They can display their products and services easily within the blog.

Business blogs are also one way of promoting the company so that the other readers will know that a certain company exists online. With blogs, entrepreneurs are able to establish a name in the virtual market through articles that can be very useful in the reader?s life.

You can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business? web site.

So, if you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you get through and make your blog one of the interesting blogs online.

- Consider your audience

- Consider your audience

Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them. If you can do that, you will have a better chance of success.

After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be ?heard? (or read) and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it. This way, they might even develop some kind of interest over your topic.

To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading your blog.

- Make constructive blogs

- Make constructive and beneficial blogs

Even if you are free to write anything you want to say to the world, still, it would be better to create some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers.

- Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

- Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

- Make it interactive

Your blog must be as interactive as possible. You can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.

You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site.

Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.

As they say, blogging is the contemporary term of creative and commercial writing.

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Source: http://www.4mpu.com/blog/know-the-art-of-blogging/

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Olympics Beach volleyball: Life's a beach at Horse Guards Parade where beach volleyball has taken Britain by storm

By Jane Fryer


Maybe it?s the troupe of bikini-clad cheerleaders who keep dashing out to dance the conga and writhe on all fours.

Or it could be the Benny Hill theme tune that blasts out every time the linesmen rush forward to rake the sand off the red court lines.

Or perhaps it?s the DJ yelling: ?This? isn?t Wimbledon, you?re allowed to make some noise here!?

Whatever it is, women?s beach volleyball is not your average Olympic sport.

Scroll down for video

Victorious: Zara Dampney, left, from Great Britain celebrates with her teammate Shauna Mullin, right, after defeating Canada in their Beach volleyball match on Sunday.

Victorious: Zara Dampney, left, from Great Britain celebrates with her teammate Shauna Mullin, right, after defeating Canada in their Beach volleyball match on Sunday

The British pair, the country's first female representatives in this sport at the Olympics since 1996, impressed on their way to a 17-21 21-14 15-13 victory

The British pair, the country's first female representatives in this sport at the Olympics since 1996, impressed on their way to a 17-21 21-14 15-13 victory

Celebration: British team Shauna Mullin and Zara Dampney celebrate their victory over Canada yesterday, while left, Dampney dives for the ball during the match

And when Great Britain?s Shauna Mullin and Zara Dampney jog through the drizzle and a tunnel of cheerleaders into the amazing purple 15,000-seat temporary stadium in Horse Guards Parade, it feels a long way from Chariots Of Fire.

When Olympic tickets went on sale in the ballot, beach volleyball was one of the most oversubscribed events, second only to the 100 metres final. A year on, it remains the hot ticket of the Games.

Or, at least, the women?s beach volleyball does. No one seems quite so interested in the men.

It could, of course, be due to the fact that the women display mesmerising skill, above and beyond their male peers.

Sights and sounds: The Olympic beach volleyball tournament kicked off yesterday in the historic heart of the UK capital. However, spectators' eyes were firmly fixed upon the athletes and their toned bodies

Sights and sounds: The Olympic beach volleyball tournament kicked off yesterday in the historic heart of the UK capital. However, spectators' eyes were firmly fixed upon the athletes and their toned bodies

Wet and wild: The heavens open over the Women's Beach Volleyball Preliminary Round match between Kikiana Steiner Fernandez and Elsa McMillan Baquerizo of Spain and Marleen van Iersel and Sanne Keizer of the Netherlands at Horse Guards Parade

Wet and wild: The heavens open over the Women's Beach Volleyball Preliminary Round match between Kikiana Steiner Fernandez and Elsa McMillan Baquerizo of Spain and Marleen van Iersel and Sanne Keizer of the Netherlands at Horse Guards Parade

A true taste of British summer: Dark skies during Men's Beach Volleyball Preliminary match between Spain and the Netherlands

A true taste of British summer: Dark skies during Men's Beach Volleyball Preliminary match between Spain and the Netherlands

Nail biter: The Spaniards came from behind to beat their Dutch rivals 14-21 21-16 15-11.? Elisa Baquerizo embraces teammate Liliana Fernandez, rear, after their win

Italy's Marta Menegatti returns the ball during a beach volleyball match against Russia earlier today, before the rain started falling

Italy's Marta Menegatti returns the ball during a beach volleyball match against Russia earlier today, before the rain started falling

Russia's Evgeniya Ukolova hits the sand during the match against Italy, which the Italians won in straight sets

Russia's Evgeniya Ukolova hits the sand during the match against Italy, which the Italians won in straight sets

But it is more likely to be because men play in singlets, baseball hats and baggy knee-length shorts while the women wear very, very, very small bikinis. Or at least they do when the temperature is above 16C. Regulations dictate that when it?s colder than this, they can wear shorts.

Yesterday afternoon, with thermometers bobbing at a perilous 17C, this revelation was a source of grave concern amongst a group of four men drinking pink champagne from plastic glasses at the bar until the men?s matches had finished.

?Why would they do that to us? Why would they ruin our Olympic experience? This is the only thing we wanted tickets to!? gasped Jonathan, a shipbroker from London.

Fortunately, his fears were never realised. As a beach volleyball virgin, I have no idea whether London in the rain has the same je ne sais quoi as the sun-kissed beaches of Ipanema, or Santa Monica. Though I assume the cheerleaders don?t usually stand shivering in dressing gowns between dances.

But it doesn?t matter. It is the noisiest, most colourful, bonkers, flesh-revealing thing you can imagine. A bit like the old Saturday night TV show Gladiators, but louder, more shouty and in bikinis with lager.

Bonkers: A group of dancers use beach balls during their routine to keep spectators entertained at the beach volleyball

Bonkers: A group of dancers use beach balls during their routine to keep spectators entertained at the beach volleyball

Cheerleaders perform during Women's Beach Volleyball on Day 1 of the London 2012 Olympic Games at Horse Guards Parade

What a show: Cheerleaders perform during Women's Beach Volleyball on Day 1 of the London 2012 Olympic Games at Horse Guards Parade

Beach party vibe: Cheerleaders' dance performances were greeted with cheers as enthusiastic as any those granted any of the sporting prowess on display

Beach party vibe: Cheerleaders' dance performances were greeted with cheers as enthusiastic as any those granted any of the sporting prowess on display

Intermission: The dancers emerged onto the court between matches, as the MC whipped the crowd into a frenzy

Intermission: The dancers emerged onto the court between matches, as the MC whipped the crowd into a frenzy

And it?s really fun to watch.? Every time a point is scored the music blasts ? anything from Queen to The Proclaimers, Beyonce to The Rolling Stones.

The rules are brilliantly simple. There are two players on each team and the aim is to ?ground? the ball on your opponent?s side of the net, or prevent them from returning it. The first team to reach 21 points wins the set and the best of three sets wins the match.

Players can ?flick? the ball to each other up to three times on their side before ?spiking? it across the net.

And yes, Federation Internationale de Volleyball really do stipulate that the bottom half of female competitors? kit can feature ?no more than 6cm of cloth at the hip? ? unless it?s cooler than 16 degrees.

So it?s vital to have a body that is tanned, smooth and hairless. There?s nothing that moves, wobbles, ripples or bulges. And they all wear make-up and jewellery and patriotically painted nails.

The bodies come at a price. For Dampney and Mullin it was more than four hours of training six days a week for the past five years. They don?t drink alcohol or eat sweets. Fruity: Russia's Anastasia Vasina, right,and Anna Vozakova celebrate at Centre Court of the stadium in Horse Guards Parade at the end of the second set of their women's beach volleyball preliminary phase Fruity: Russia's Anastasia Vasina, right,and Anna Vozakova celebrate at Centre Court of the stadium in Horse Guards Parade at the end of the second set of their women's beach volleyball preliminary phase Pool B match yesterday afternoon

Xue Chen and Zhang Xi were bronze medallists in Beijing four years ago, are among the favourites for gold this time but made a poor start to their Olympic quest

Good effort: Chen Xue of China dips to return the ball during the match, where they eventually went out to the Russian side

Good effort: Chen Xue of China dips to return the ball during the match, where they eventually lost to the Russian side

Rolling in the sand: With a look of rapt concentration, China's Zhang Xi waits to return the ball

Rolling in the sand: With a look of rapt concentration, China's Zhang Xi waits to return the ball

Acrobatic: Brazil's Juliana Silva dives out of bounds for a spiked ball during their match against Mauritius, from which they eventually emerged victorious

Acrobatic: Brazil's Juliana Silva dives out of bounds for a spiked ball during their match against Mauritius, from which they eventually emerged victorious

Six-time world champions Larissa Franca and Juliana Silva of Brazil demolished Natacha Rigobert and Elodie Li Yuk Lo of Mauritius 21-5 21-10 in Pool A

Cheeky: Greece's Maria Tsiartsiani signals the strategy to teammate Vasiliki Arvaniti before serving to Switzerland's Nadine Zumkehr and Simone Kuhn during their women's beach volleyball preliminary match

Cheeky: Greece's Maria Tsiartsiani signals the strategy to teammate Vasiliki Arvaniti before serving to Switzerland's Nadine Zumkehr and Simone Kuhn during their women's beach volleyball preliminary match

Long-limbed: Greek and Swiss players struggle for the ball during their match

Our boys: Steve Grotowski of Great Britain dives for the ball. He and John Garcia-Thompson went down to a 21-19 21-13 defeat to Joshua Binstock and Martin Reader of Canada

Our boys: Steve Grotowski of Great Britain dives for the ball. He and John Garcia-Thompson went down to a 21-19 21-13 defeat to Joshua Binstock and Martin Reader of Canada

Down in the wet sand, they?re halfway through the first set and the cheerleaders are out of their dressing gowns and doing the conga. Helicopters circle overhead (as pilots presumably lean over for a good gawp), the air is thick with the smell of hotdogs and lager and everyone is cheering.

And when Mullin and Dampney win the second set, everyone?s up on their feet dancing.

Suddenly, we?re winning. GB takes the final set and the crowd goes berserk.

Mullin said recently: ?We don?t play beach volleyball to look good, we play it to win.? And there?s something about the sport that will win you over.

It?s like a brilliant spoof ? a sort of Hugh Hefner bikini Olympics crossed with a ridiculous game show.

It?s not something to take your granny to, or probably even your mum, but it?s a? brilliantly fun afternoon. And we won!

Video: Beach Volleyball fans give mixed reviews of the athletes' attire


Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2180540/Olympics-Beach-volleyball-Lifes-beach-Horse-Guards-Parade-beach-volleyball-taken-Britain-storm.html?ITO=1490

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Thoughts on race relations under a black president

How some in the U.S. view race relations nearly four years after the nation elected its first black president, Barack Obama:

"I don't know that his election made me feel differently about America because I have always believed that America is a place of great promise. However, his election did show me, and probably more importantly my daughter, that she really could grow up to be president like we often tell her." ? Karl Douglass, Columbus, Ga.


"I think it helped Americans get over their anxiety about race on the one hand, but since race has been declining in significance for decades, I'm not sure that it did anything more than confirm an established trend. ... Race just isn't what it once was a factor in determining life's chances." ? Linda Chavez, chairman, Center for Equal Opportunity.


"The lasting change is that the possible has become tangible. The question is whether we can follow it up with other candidates that can perform. But we can never, ever be told we can't do it again, or that it's an impossible dream." ? Rev. Al Sharpton.


"A lot of people I talk to can't understand why a man who's half-white and half-black is so anti-white." Ed Cattaneo, Cape May, N.J.


"It just seems that people in general ? some friends and family, a lot of people online ? have begun saying more blatantly racist things since Obama became a real contender for the presidency. Even beyond that, I've heard people become more vocal about frustrations they have with issues we tend to link to race ? immigration, welfare, hate crimes. His presidency seems to have pushed us all into talking about race and racism more. I see that as a good thing because we need to talk about it to solve it, but I know quite a few people who are sick of those discussions and blame him for all of it." ? Ashley Ray, Chicago


"It's the power of being. It's the power of his presence and the fact that you look and you see a person with brown skin in the White House." ? William Smith, executive director, Center for Race Amity

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/thoughts-race-relations-under-black-president-143058166.html

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In Israel, Romney declares Jerusalem to be capital

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney places a prayer note as he visits the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a specch in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney pauses next to the Western Wall, in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is presented with a booklet as he visits the Western Wall, in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Dan Balilty)

(AP) ? Standing on Israeli soil, U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney on Sunday declared Jerusalem to be the capital of the Jewish state and said the United States has "a solemn duty and a moral imperative" to block Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability.

"Make no mistake, the ayatollahs in Iran are testing our moral defenses. They want to know who will object and who will look the other way," he said. "We will not look away nor will our country ever look away from our passion and commitment to Israel."

The presidential election hovered over the speech. The Old City formed a made-for-television backdrop behind Romney, while some of his campaign donors listened in the audience.

Romney's declaration that Jerusalem is Israel's capital was matter-of-fact and in keeping with claims made by Israeli governments for decades, even though the United States, like other nations, maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv.

He did not say if he would order the embassy moved if he wins the White House, but strongly suggested so in a CNN interview.

"My understanding is the policy of our nation has been a desire to move our embassy ultimately to the capital (Jerusalem)," he said, adding, "I would only want to do so and to select the timing in accordance with the government of Israel."

His remarks on the subject during his speech drew a standing ovation from his audience, which included Sheldon Adelson, the American businessman who has said he will donate millions to help elect Romney to the White House.

Romney's embrace of Israel was on display earlier in the day when he met with Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and other leaders. He also visited the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, where he was mobbed by worshippers. In addition, Romney met with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

In his remarks, Romney steered clear of overt criticism of President Barack Obama, even though he said the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran "has only become worse" in the past five years.

In an unspoken rebuttal to Obama and other critics, Romney said, "It is sometimes said that those who are the most committed to stopping the Iranian regime from security nuclear weapons are reckless and provocative and inviting war.

"The opposite is true. We are the true peacemakers," he said.

The former Massachusetts governor also stepped back from a comment a senior aide made a short while before the speech.

"We recognize Israel's right to defend itself," he told the audience. Earlier, the aide, Dan Senor, previewed the speech for reporters, saying that "if Israel has to take action on its own, in order to stop Iran from developing the capability, the governor would respect that decision."

Israel is the second of three stops on an international trip for Romney in the weeks before he claims the Republican nomination at his party's national convention in Tampa, Fla.

He flew to the Middle East from Britain, where he caused a stir by questioning whether officials there were fully prepared for the Olympic Games. A stop in Poland will complete his trip.

Four years ago, then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obama also visited Israel as a candidate, part of a five-nation trip meant to establish his own foreign policy credentials.

In his speech, Romney said Syrian President Bashar Assad "desperately clings to power" in Damascus in the face of an attempted overthrow, but he did not call for his removal.

He noted that Egypt is now headed by an "Islamist president, chosen in a Democratic election. ... The international community must use its considerable influence to insure that the new government honors the peace agreement with Israel that was signed by the government of Anwar Sadat" more than three decades ago, he said.

A goal of Romney's overseas trip is to demonstrate his confidence on the world stage, but his stop in Israel also was designed to appeal to evangelical voters at home and to cut into Obama's support among Jewish voters and donors. A Gallup survey of Jewish voters released Friday showed Obama with a 68-25 edge over Romney.

Romney and other Republicans have said Obama is insufficiently supportive of Israel, noting statements the president has made about settlements and his handling of evident Iranian attempt to develop nuclear weapons.

Tehran is closer to developing nuclear weapons capability than before, Romney said. "Preventing that outcome must be our highest national security priority."

In a March speech before a pro-Israel lobby in Washington, Obama warned of "loose talk of war" that serves only to drive up oil prices. "Now is not the time to bluster," he said then. "Now is the time to let our increased pressure sink in and sustain the broad international coalition we have built."

It was unlikely that the day's events would settle the issue.

Obama's former press secretary, Robert Gibbs, told ABC's "This Week" that the administration has delayed Iran's nuclear program. The president has imposed U.S. penalties against Iran and worked to tougher strictures applied by other nations. There have been numerous published reports of a coordinated U.S.-Israeli cyberattack that caused damage to Iranian equipment vital to creating weapons-grade nuclear material.

Even so, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said before the speech that "all the sanctions and diplomacy so far have not set back the Iranian program by one iota."

Whatever the reality, the administration has taken steps in recent days to reassure Israel of its support.

Most notably, Obama approved an increase in assistance to strengthen a missile defense system that is designed to protect Israel from rocket attacks launched from the Gaza.

Senor's comments caused a stir in the hours leading to Romney's speech, a reminder of the controversy that Romney had created a few days earlier in London.

He later clarified his comments in a written statement, saying that the candidate "believes we should employ any and all measures to dissuade the Iranian regime from its nuclear course and it is his fervent hope that diplomatic and economic measures will do so. In the final analysis, of course, no option should be excluded."

Pentagon officials have spoken publicly about the difficulty of such a strike and American officials have expressed concern about the destabilizing effect such military action could have in the region, even if carried out successfully.


Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-07-29-Romney-Israel/id-d65ea9bafae241fe900e4bfe9fb420cb

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Syria army launches Aleppo assault

The Syrian army launched a massive assault on rebels in Aleppo on Saturday amid growing world concern about the risks of reprisals against civilians in the country's commercial capital.

At least 29 people were killed, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said, contributing to a figure of at least 90 people nationwide.

The watchdog said more than 20,000 people, the majority civilians, have now died since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's regime erupted in March 2011.

Troops backed by tanks and helicopter gunships, which had been massing for two days, moved on southwestern districts of Aleppo, where rebels concentrated their forces when they seized much of the northern city on July 20.

Artillery pounded Salaheddin and other neighbourhoods from 8:00 am (0500 GMT) as ground troops advanced, an AFP correspondent reported.

Trapped civilians crowded into basements, seeking refuge from the bombardment.

"The fiercest clashes of the uprising are taking place in several neighbourhoods," the Observatory's Rami Abdel Rahman said.

"The regime's forces tried to storm the headquarters of Salaheddin but, thank God, the heroes of the (rebel) Free Syrian Army repulsed the attack," FSA Colonel Abdel Jabbar al-Oqaidi told AFP.

"We have now destroyed eight armoured vehicles," he said. "There are 100 tanks massed on the outskirts of the district.

"The battle will be hard because there is no balance of forces but we are determined and we have faith in God."

While the rebels' small arms and rocket-propelled grenades are little match for the heavy armour of Assad's forces, Abdel Rahman said "the army has not made any progress since the morning, and even lost five tanks."

An AFP correspondent in Aleppo said rebels echoed the Observatory claim that loyalists had not advanced, but put the number of tanks lost at 10.

He said rebels continued to besiege a strategic police post in the city centre, where 50 men with Kalashnikovs have been holding out for three days.

He said its capture would open a corridor between Salaheddin and the rebel-held district of Sakhur, some six kilometres (four kilometres) to the northeast.

An activist calling himself Amer said "there are thousands of people in the streets fleeing the bombardment. They're being terrorised by helicopter gunships flying at low altitude. There's a large number of civilians who have taken refuge in public parks."

Official news agency SANA reported fighting in the Furqan district where "a terrorist group was terrorising residents."

It said two "terrorists" had been killed and three others detained, and their arms and vehicles seized.

Pro-government daily Al-Watan had warned the "mother of all battles" loomed in Aleppo as the government moved to reassert its authority after recapturing rebel-held districts of Damascus earlier in the week.

Both sides acknowledged casualties were likely to be high.

Russia warned a "tragedy" was looming but said it was unrealistic to expect the government would stand by when rebels were occupying major cities.

"We are persuading the government that they need to make some first gestures," said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, whose government has long had close ties with Damascus.

"But when the armed opposition are occupying cities like Aleppo, where yet another tragedy is brewing as I understand... it is not realistic to expect that they will accept this," Lavrov said.

"Our Western partners... together with some of Syria's neighbours are essentially encouraging, supporting and directing an armed struggle against the regime."

Meanwhile, foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Moscow would not cooperate with a new round of EU sanctions against Syria.

"We will not consider requests and give consent to the search of ships sailing under the Russian flag, nor to the use of other restrictive measures," he said.

Last month, Russia attempted to ship three attack helicopters and an air defence system to Syria under a Curacao flag before being exposed by Washington.

The vessel was forced to turn back when its British insurer pulled coverage. It returned to Russia and swapped its flag for a Russian one.

Interfax news agency said Russia planned to delay shipment of the Mi-25 helicopters, which it said belong to Syria and had been taken back for upgrades, until security was restored in Syria.

Turkey, which has given refuge to defecting army officers who have formed the kernel of the FSA, warned it could "not remain an observer" as violence raged across its southern border.

"We must do what we can together in the United Nations Security Council, and also in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League, to make sure that we can make some important progress in trying to avert this appalling situation," said Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

British Prime Minister David Cameron said there were "very real concerns that we have that the Syrian regime is about to carry out some truly appalling acts around and in the city of Aleppo."

French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero told AFP that "with the build-up of heavy weapons around Aleppo, Assad is preparing to carry out a fresh slaughter of his own people."

In late May, at least 108 people were killed near the central town of Houla, the United Nations said. On July 12, regime forces killed more than 150 people in the central village of Treimsa, the Observatory said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/syria-rebels-brace-decisive-battle-aleppo-043606793.html

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The Paradox Of VC Seed Investing | TechCrunch

Editor?s note: Brian Singerman is a partner at Founders Fund. He?previously worked at Google and There.?

This is the first in a series of articles I am writing to bring more transparency and honesty to the field of venture capital. While many of the themes may be contrarian or controversial, I have two primary goals: First, I want to help entrepreneurs and startup enthusiasts understand what motivates investors. Second, I hope to draw attention to some of the fallacies venture capitalists use in their negotiations with entrepreneurs. Aligning the incentives of entrepreneurs and VCs will lead to much stronger relationships and innovation.

Entrepreneurs regularly come to Founders Fund asking us to lead or participate in their seed/angel round. They are often confused or shocked when I try to convince them that with very few exceptions, it is not in entrepreneurs? best interest to raise seed capital from large venture firms and neither is it beneficial for large firms to invest in seed stage companies. Among the reasons: the structure of VC economics and unavoidable perception issues. Since this conversation happens frequently, I?d like to share my honest thoughts on why large funds should avoid angel investing -?? and also why Founders Fund nevertheless does so through its wholly owned FF Angel funds.

The economics of VC explain a lot about why large funds should not do seed investing, so let?s start with a quick review of those dynamics. VCs raise money from a pool of capital known as limited partners (the fund is the general partner), which include accredited individuals and large financial institutions . The VCs usually charge 2% of this capital annually for operating expenses (the management fee) and 20% of the profits (the carry). This is known in the industry as a 2-??and-??20 structure but varies from fund to fund. While the management fees from a large fund can be an important source of revenue, the real incentive is (or anyway, should be) the carry. For of every dollar committed to a fund, the firm will take home approximately $.15-?20 of management fees (which ratchet down over the life of a fund), but $.40 in carry if the fund triples. And good VC managers aim to get a return of at least 3-?5x committed capital. Established firms have been raising more capital lately and this has important consequences for the kinds of investments they make. For the remainder of this article, when I refer to ?VCs,? I am referring top tier funds in the range of $400 million to $1 billion+. As I am a partner at Founders Fund, I will use our latest $625 million fund as the example.

There are many reasons to work in venture capital. Founders Fund, for instance, has remained steadfast in its mission to transform our world for the better, as presented in our manifesto. At the same time, venture capitalists are capitalists, with a duty to provide returns. With a 2-??and-??20 structure, we and every other VC in the world are incentivized to make money for LPs and ourselves. In order to achieve meaningful carry, we need to return several multiples of the fund, or multiples of $625 million in our case. Consider the basic implications here: we make a traditional seed investment in a company of $250k, and that investment returns.?20x, which by anyone?s standards is a home run. The problem is that it only returns $5 million and we need to make another 124 ?home-??run? seed investments to return our fund. In a more extreme example, take Andreessen Horowitz?s $250K seed investment in Instagram. This was one of the most successful seed investments of all time and netted its fund $78 million. In our case, we would need eight Instagrams to get to $625 million?a feat that no single fund has ever achieved in the history of venture capital. The case would be very different if we were a smaller early-??stage firm where the Instagram investment may have returned its fund multiple times over.

This begs the question: why do VCs do seed investing at all? The standard reason is ?option value?, or the ability to put in more money later as the company scales and gains traction. That?s a terrible answer.. Example: You are the founder of Acme Computing Technologies (ACT), and raise $250K in your seed round from a moderately successful venture firm. That firm has not been bad to you in any way, and may have even been helpful. Six months later, ACT is doing well so you are thinking about a $5 million Series A to scale the business. Your original VC would love to do this deal, but you get a call one day from a legendary Silicon Valley firm. Are you really not going to take that call? Of course you will! And if she offers you competitive terms, are you not going to strongly consider taking the money? Of course you will! Top tier firms almost ALWAYS have an option on a company, even if they did not participate in the seed round. Firms with great reputations bring many benefits, from branding and signaling to good advice and great connections. For good companies, this scenario happens frequently.

On the flip side, entrepreneurs should be cautious of taking seed money from top tier VCs because of this ?option value.? Let?s change the story and say that a top tier made a seed investment in ACT from the start. We will ignore the subset of companies that die or ?crush it? and focus on the large majority of companies in the grey area. If the top tier fund skips the next round for whatever reason, ACT would have a serious problem on its hand. The most common question other firms will ask is ?Why didn?t the fund take this round?? Passing sends a negative signal to the market, and in some cases, may actually kill the company. The perceived option value comes at a potential huge cost to company, and is the main reason entrepreneurs need to strongly consider this downside.

Those are the structural problems with VCs doing seed investing ? it?s challenging for a seed investment to have an impact on the fund?s total returns and there can be all sorts of signaling problems. So why would an entrepreneur take money from a top VC, and why would the VC itself ever make seed investments?

A potential reason to take money from large VCs is because of their size and ability to move quickly on a small seed investment. In general, if any $400mm+ fund VC takes more than 24 hours to decide on a $250k seed investment, the entrepreneur should run away, fast. Rapid access to capital allows entrepreneurs to waste less time fundraising and spend more time on product or business?development. Furthermore, since the fund is so large, and the investment a small fraction of committed capital, the VC will likely leave the entrepreneur alone to run her company with no interference. VC meddling is potentially very detrimental to a company?s early success. Convenience and autonomy seem like great reasons to take money from a large fund, but the negative signaling potential to kill the company in the future outweighs these.

Despite these reasons, there are some cases where it does make sense for us (and indeed, any VC firm) to invest in seed stage companies. First, we invest in very high risk tech companies that otherwise would have a difficult time raising funds. We do this because we believe that IF these companies achieve their technical milestones, they open up huge new markets. This is usually a big IF, and also mitigates any signaling risk since other firms might not be willing to invest in the first place. Second, we invest in our network, who are typically amazing entrepreneurs or visionaries (e.g., the PayPal mafia, Facebook mafia, etc.). Investing in our network means we do not need to exert much incremental effort sourcing and helping out on deals because we already know the entrepreneurs and what they are working on. That kind of investing is a process that is almost infinitely scalable and thus incredibly efficient. These companies often do not fall under our manifesto criteria which we apply to our large main fund investments, so there is very little signaling risk if we do not participate in the Series A round. At Founders Fund, we do these seed investments through FF Angel to signal one of these cases, both to other VC firms as well as our own investors.

At the end of the day, we are venture capitalists. We strongly believe in stimulating innovation through capitalism. We are in this profession not simply to make money, but to help fund some of the most important technology the world has ever seen. Making our industry more transparent is an important part of what we do, as it can help cut through all the myths of venture capital, and empower founders to focus on the most important thing: progress.

[Image via Pfeuffer.com.]

Brian Singerman is a Partner at Founders Fund. He came to Founders Fund from Google, where he founded the iGoogle team in 2004, after serving in a variety of development and executive positions. Before joining Google, Brian was an engineer for There, an online, virtual world startup. At Founders Fund, Brian seeks out new investment opportunities such as Discovery Engine, a revolutionary search technology, and Azumio, a smartphone-based biometrics firm. Before joining the Founders Fund team, Brian was...

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Source: http://techcrunch.com/2012/07/29/the-paradox-of-vc-seed-investing/

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Chin's 12 Ks help O's cool off hot A's


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 5:02 p.m. ET July 29, 2012

BALTIMORE (AP) - With one masterful performance, rookie Wei-Yin Chen put himself in the major league record book and provided the Baltimore Orioles with a much-needed victory.

Chen struck out a career-high 12, Matt Wieters hit a three-run homer and the Orioles beat the Oakland Athletics 6-1 Sunday to avoid a three-game sweep.

It was a rare setback for the A's, who fell to 18-4 this month and 12-3 since the All-Star break. The Athletics need to win one of their next two games to complete the best July in franchise history.

Chen (9-6) allowed one unearned run, three hits and four walks in 5 2-3 innings against a torrid Oakland team that had scored 40 runs in its previous four games.

Alternating an accurate fastball with a sharp-breaking curve, the left-hander struck out every A's starter except No. 9 hitter Brandon Hicks.

"When he has stuff like that today, he's going to get some strikeouts," said Wieters, Chen's battery mate. "More importantly, their team was trying to be patient and wait him out, and that's going to get you in some deeper counts. When he got the two strikes, he was able to put them away."

Chen, who pitched four seasons in Japan before coming to Baltimore, set a major league record for strikeouts by a Taiwanese-born pitcher. The old mark was 10 by Chien-Ming Wang in 2007.

"I'm sure he'll be modest about it, but there's not a second you don't take that in and realize (what it means)," Orioles manager Buck Showalter said. "When you talk about the history of baseball, it always gets my attention. It was fun to watch. I don't for a second not take in what it means to the people of Taiwan. I'm sure they're very proud of Wei-Yin, probably as much as we are."

The strikeouts mean less to him than getting deeper in the game. He threw 108 pitches and didn't get out of the sixth.

"I really (need to) lower my pitch count to win the game," Chen said.

The last time an Orioles pitcher had as many as 12 strikeouts was in July 2007, when Erik Bedard fanned 15 against Texas. Chen also became the first Oriole to get at least 10 strikeouts in fewer than six innings.

In two starts against Oakland this year, Chen is 2-0 with an 0.71 ERA.

"Well, he was really good. We've seen him twice and he's been good against us twice," Oakland manager Bob Melvin said. "Today, he was just throwing his fastball by us. He wasn't afraid to use it. He was throwing it to both sides of the plate and using breaking balls to keep us off-balance."

A's starter Travis Blackley (3-3) gave up five runs, six hits and four walks in five innings. He was 3-0 in six starts since June 10.

Omar Quintanilla had three hits, including a homer, to help Baltimore win for only the second time in seven games.

"Chen came out and he did his thing. He threw real well, and overall it was a great team effort," Quintanilla said. "We've just got to keep it up."

Lew Ford, whose contract was purchased from Triple-A Norfolk before the game, went 0 for 3 with a walk in his first big league game since 2007. But the Orioles left fielder contributed a strong throw to cut down Yeonis Cespedes, who was trying to stretch a second-inning hit into a double.

After going 0 for 6 with runners in scoring position in a 6-0 loss Saturday night, the Orioles got two such hits in a four-run fourth. With runners at first and second and one out, Adam Jones doubled in a run. Wieters then ended a 1-for-31 skid with a drive into the left-field seats, only the third homer allowed by Blackley in 67 innings this season.

Baltimore added a run in the fifth when J.J. Hardy ran home on the second error of the game by Oakland first baseman Chris Carter.

Limited to one hit through five innings, the A's finally got to Chen in the sixth. Jemile Weeks walked and Jonny Gomes reached on an error by Quintanilla at second base before Cespedes hit an RBI single. After a single by Brandon Inge loaded the bases, Darren O'Day retired Derek Norris on a popup.

NOTES: Orioles 2B Brian Roberts announced before the game that he will undergo season-ending surgery to repair a torn labrum in his right hip. Roberts, 34, played in only 17 games this season. ... Oakland obtained C George Kottaras from the Milwaukee Brewers in a trade for minor league reliever Fautino De Los Santos. ... A's OF Coco Crisp missed the game with a tight left hamstring, but RF Josh Reddick returned after missing one game with a bruised back. ... Oakland opens a 10-game homestand Monday at home against Tampa Bay. The A's are 8-2 during a stretch of 17 straight games against the AL East. Baltimore travels to Yankee Stadium for a three-game series that starts Monday night.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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How you define Customer Service? | travel sercity

Good day to all, i hope all of you have had a great time over the last few weeks of July:)

On another note, i?ll like to inform my fellow readers of Burpz that we will be moving towards the direction of providing feedback to our readers about the customer service in Singapore and all across Asia!

So the question is?. How does this work?

Yes, we will be traveling all across Singapore and Asia to do our review on the customer service our dear restaurants, hotels, transport systems and even retail outlets have to offer. From that, we will be benchmarking them with a ranking of 1 ? 10 with 10 being Excellent and 1 being Very Poor.

So help us! If you have any experiences that you want to share, or if you want us to check out a certain place or even have us at your place as a mystery shopper, email us at enquiries2burpz@gmail.com and we will be down in no time to give you consumers/ business owners a review:)

Till then, happy shopping eating and traveling!

Leaving you with something i got from Susan Ward:

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business. You can offer promotions and slash prices to bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won?t be profitable for long.

Good customer service is all about bringing customers back. And about sending them away happy ? happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others, who may then try the product or service you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers.

If you?re a good salesperson, you can sell anything to anyone once. But it will be your approach to customer service that determines whether or not you?ll ever be able to sell that person anything else. The essence of good customer service is forming a relationship with customers ? a relationship that that individual customer feels that he would like to pursue.

How do you go about forming such a relationship? By remembering the one true secret of good customer service and acting accordingly; ?You will be judged by what you do, not what you say.?


Source: http://travel.sercity.com/how-you-define-customer-service/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

'Dancing' producer: 'I wonder about' Bristol

Fred Prouser / Reuters

Bristol Palin will once again be "Dancing" this fall.

By Anna Chan, TODAY

Say the name Bristol Palin, and you'll usually get a strong reaction. This was certainly the case on Friday when ABC revealed that the reality TV personality would be participating in "Dancing With the Stars: All Stars" this fall.?

"It's called All STARs! How exactly is Bristol a STAR? Or a dancer?" wrote reader Kelly Chapman on our Facebook page.

"Palin has to be the biggest joke ever! You mean there wasn't one other person out of over 100 dancers you could choose from?" commented Michele Moran McDevitt.

You get the idea.?

With such reactions in mind, we caught up with "Dancing With the Stars" producer Deena Katz and asked her whether the young Palin will be just as polarizing in her second go-round on the hit show.

"I don't know. I wonder about her," Katz told TODAY.com. "I wonder about everyone. These guys were the charm of their season. ... Do they all have the effect they have before? It's not just Bristol. It's all of them. I'm so curious to see how the audience votes because all of these people were the sparkle of their season."

Though the producer may wonder about Bristol and others, she's quite "thrilled" with the cast the show landed for "All Stars." "It's like I have 160 kids," Katz said. "We had so many great people and it was hard because we only had 12 slots."

Though Bristol is filling one of those 12 spots, another of "Dancing's" most polarizing contestants -- season 10's Kate Gosselin -- is not. But that doesn't mean fans of the reality TV mom won't be seeing her on the ballroom bash. Katz hinted that it's quite possible?the mom of eight would be back in some way.

"I'm hoping that we can bring a lot of people back for packages," she said. "People like that you do want to see. My hope is we can do that."

Do you think Bristol will perform better this time around? Tell us on our Facebook page!

-- Reporting by Michael Maloney, TODAY contributor



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Source: http://theclicker.today.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/27/12996677-dancing-with-the-stars-producer-i-wonder-about-bristol-palin?lite

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Friend: Md. man held in shooting plot gentle giant

WASHINGTON (AP) ? A friend says a Maryland man accused of threatening to shoot up his workplace is a "gentle giant" who collected weapons and had expressed concerns about break-ins near his apartment complex.

Mike Cochran tells The Associated Press on Saturday that he thinks his friend, Neil E. Prescott, did not intend for his comments to be taken seriously. Cochran says Prescott was known for having a sarcastic sense of humor.

Police say Prescott, who was in the process of being fired, told a supervisor this week that he was a "joker" and was going to load his guns and "blow everybody up." Prescott was taken into custody for an emergency psychiatric evaluation and has not been charged.

Cochran says Prescott was "no stranger to sarcasm regardless of political correctness."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/friend-md-man-held-shooting-plot-gentle-giant-154103620.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

?Top Search Engine Optimisation Guru? Debate Forum, Especially ...

Topseo announces that Wath Tv Shows official start of it has the exclusive ?Top SEO Guru Forum? for SEO and Internet website marketing Experts via India to discuss latest happenings about the search engine optimization and Search engine marketing industry fronts.
Topseo. org is really a self inspired group of Indian SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Experts and Internet marketers today proclaimed the established launch belonging to the Seo and Search engine marketing Forum : ?Top SEO Guru?.
This website welcomes web owners, website artist, software programmers, editors, writers along with seo inductees to take part in the internet and off line community activities.

Our Online community also invitations moderator to moderate a large number of subjects featured in distinct forums like SEO, Internet Internet marketing, Search Website Optimization, website marketing and advertising, Web Advertising, Google, Yahoo, Link Recognition, PPC, SEO Positions, SEO News flash, SEO articles or blog posts, website evaluate, search serps forum, seo blogging and people, banner Marketing and advertising, Affiliate Internet marketing, Search Website Spiders & Engineering, SEO Equipment & Search engine marketing Software, RSS Rss feeds, XML Rss feeds, Atom For, SEO Article writing Forum, B2b B2C Webpage Marketing along with related troubles, SEO Hints and SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING Spamming Issues, SEO Articles or blog posts, SEO Reports, SEO Interviews Community, SEO Guides & Lessons, SEO Workshops, Conferences plus Fairs, BPO Community forum, SEO Teaching and Matching Courses, HTML Coding, Java Script & Software Programming, SEO Meetup Collection India Online community etc.
Earlier your meetup group had turned straight into a registration based model thus restricting sign ups from converting it in to a cohesive, yet assorted group.

It appeared to be then that this need to get a new meetup collection was felt for option, for American indian SEO and Affiliate marketing Meetup Groups which searched for new gear and debate platforms in order to pursue its member interests in most its earnestness.
?Our WEBSITE POSITIONING Forum can be all out to assist SEO group from India in order to discuss and deliberate upon all difficulties involved on the list of meetup group members serve their interests inside most satisfying manner, from India, ? quipped Community Web Editor Mr. Paavan Solanki whom heads Internet Search engine Service Service provider Targetseo.com and is the founder member and moderator of the Top SEO Forum.
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Source: http://gocrazyseo.org/top-search-engine-optimisation-guru-debate-forum-especially-intended-for-seo-and-affiliate-marketing-experts/

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Onlookers hamper whale rescue in Indonesia

Rescuers in Indonesia fought Friday to help a sperm whale stuck in shallow waters to return to sea, as their efforts were hampered by local residents arriving on boats and driving it back to shore.

The 11-metre (36-feet) whale has been stuck near Pakis Jaya beach in West Java since Wednesday, said Benvika, a rescuer from the Jakarta Animal Aid Network, which is leading the rescue bid.

"We almost set it free a few times yesterday, but the noise from the engines of dozens of boats bringing in local residents confused and disoriented the creature, and it couldn't swim out to sea," he told AFP.

"It is still breathing normally but losing a lot of energy," he said by phone from the beach, 120 kilometres (75 miles) east of the capital Jakarta.

"It seems to have difficulty moving its tail, and we have to work quickly to save its life," he said, adding 16 divers were involved in the rescue effort.

Local residents were paying the equivalent of half a US dollar each for boat rides close to the whale, he said.

Some had jumped off the boats and onto the whale on Wednesday, causing wounds to its body, Benvika said.

Before rescuers arrived fishermen had also tried to crudely pull the animal back to sea, also hurting it in the process, he said, adding the whale was covered with blisters on is back.

Up to 30 boats carrying tourists had converged around the whale at one time, he added.

He said volunteers were stopping boats setting sail from the Pakis Jaya beach, but were unable to intercept vessels arriving from neighbouring coastal villages.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/onlookers-hamper-whale-rescue-indonesia-064825477.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

How Free Will Collides with Unconscious Impulses

At a restaurant recently I faced many temptations: a heavy stout beer, a buttery escargot appetizer, a marbled steak, cheesecake. The neural networks in my brain that have evolved to produce the emotion of hunger for sweet and fatty foods, which in our ancestral environment were both rare and sustaining, were firing away to get me to make those selections. In competition were signals from other neural networks that have evolved to make me care about my future health, in particular how I view my body image for status among males and appeal to females and how sluggish I feel after a rich meal and the amount of exercise I will need to counter it. In the end, I ordered a light beer, salmon and a salad with vinaigrette dressing and split a mildly rich chocolate cake with my companion.

Was I free to make these choices? According to neuroscientist Sam Harris in his luminous new book Free Will (Free Press, 2012), I was not. ?Free will is an illusion,? Harris writes. ?Our wills are simply not of our own making.? Every step in the causal chain above is fully determined by forces and conditions not of my choosing, from my evolved taste preferences to my learned social status concerns?causal pathways laid down by my ancestors and parents, culture and society, peer groups and friends, mentors and teachers, and historical contingencies going all the way back to my birth and before.

Neuroscience supports this belief. The late physiologist Benjamin Libet noted in EEG readings of subjects engaged in a task requiring them to press a button when they felt like it that half a second before the decision was consciously made the brain's motor cortex lit up. Research has extended the time between subcortical brain activation and conscious awareness to a full seven to 10 seconds. A new study found activity in a tiny clump of 256 neurons that enabled scientists to predict with 80 percent accuracy which choice a subject would make before the person himself knew. Very likely, just before I became consciously aware of my menu selections, part of my brain had already made those choices. ?Thoughts and intentions emerge from background causes of which we are unaware and over which we exert no conscious control,? Harris concludes. ?We do not have the freedom we think we have.?

True enough. But if we define free will as the power to do otherwise, the choice to veto one impulse over another is free won't. Free won't is veto power over innumerable neural impulses tempting us to act in one way, such that our decision to act in another way is a real choice. I could have had the steak?and I have?but by engaging in certain self-control techniques that remind me of other competing impulses, I vetoed one set of selections for another.

Support for this hypothesis may be found in a 2007 study in the Journal of Neuroscience by neuroscientists Marcel Brass and Patrick Haggard, who employed a task similar to that used by Libet but in which subjects could veto their initial decision to press a button at the last moment. The scientists discovered a specific brain area called the left dorsal frontomedian cortex that becomes activated during such intentional inhibitions of an action: ?Our results suggest that the human brain network for intentional action includes a control structure for self-initiated inhibition or withholding of intended actions.? That's free won't.

In addition, a system has ?degrees of freedom,? or a range of options that may result from its complexity and the number of intervening variables. Ants have a few degrees, rats more, chimps many more still, humans the most. Some people?psychopaths, the brain-damaged, the severely depressed or the chemically addicted?have fewer degrees than others, and the law adjusts for their lowered capacity for legal and moral accountability.

These vetoing neural impulses within a complex system with many degrees of freedom are part of the deterministic universe.Thinking of volition as a component of the causal net lets us restore personal responsibility to its rightful place in a civil society.

Comment on this article at ScientificAmerican.com/aug2012

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=66086ee12aeb30b4e265fea7999191ee

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