Saturday, January 5, 2013

Internet Marketing Rules Blog: Social Marketing Traffic Strategies

Do you know how to get traffic to your website? If not, then you should know that it?s quite easy. You will hear in the internet marketing circles that getting traffic is hard, free marketing techniques don?t work, and that succeeding in your own online business isn?t worth it. Don?t believe these ideas? the fact of the matter is that there are a ton of website traffic techniques that can boost your sales and profits.

You don?t have to struggle with traffic generation. Stick with a few key strategies, and you will be on your way to success. One thing that you will want to do is to come up with a marketing plan to do each week.

Focus on the top 5 traffic strategies for your online business, and make sure they are something that you can do each and every week.

Don?t let website traffic be a ?road block? for you. There are many ways to get traffic to your website, and these techniques are very easy for you to do. In fact, I want to share with you some of the techniques that you can be using to get more traffic, and increase your sales simply and easily. In fact, here?s the first traffic strategy that you could be using:

1) Social bookmarking

Social bookmarking is a great way to get alot of traffic to your site. For every piece of content that you create, you will want to put backlinks behind it, and also see if it can reach the front page of the social bookmarking sites. If you can get your news story (or article or content) on the front page, you can expect to get a heavy influx of new prospects to your website.

Now even though this is enticing, you should know that all that traffic isn?t necessarily profitable. I know of a guy who got 200,000 visits to his website in one day from social bookmarking? and it resulted into ZERO sales for him. So if I were you, I would create a squeeze page and collect the email address, and see if you can convert these prospects into new customers for you. Here?s another great way to get traffic to your website:

2) Docstoc

Docstoc is a social marketing site. Its Alexa ranking is really good, and it?s a great way to get traffic from your content, and it also allows you to collaborate with others in your niche who are on this site. Docstoc is very easy. It has a newbie interface, and is very easy to use.

If you make alot of Microsoft Powerpoint presentations, or create alot of Adobe Acrobat free reports? you will want to submit these pieces of content to this website. It?s an excellent way to get more exposure for your information, and of course? you can get alot of traffic from it.

These 2 social marketing traffic strategies are things that you can use to boost your traffic, sales, and customers for your website. Even if you are new to internet marketing (and social marketing), you can still use these services, and start bringing in new business right away. Be sure to implement these techniques in your business today.

Good luck with marketing your online business.

For more internet marketing secrets, simply visit the website below:


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