Saturday, June 30, 2012

HTC teases something incredible for next week, it's the Droid Incredible 4G LTE

Droid Incredible 4G LTE

We've gone hands-on with it; we've compared it to the HTC EVO 4G LTE plus, Verizon and HTC have made it official. Now it looks as though we may actually see the Droid Incredible 4G LTE finally land into some consumers hands according to a tweet sent out by HTC.

Next week, we've got some special fun headed your way. We hear it's going to be INCREDIBLE. 

We don't think we're reading into it too much here, so if you had your eyes and heart set on the Droid Incredible 4G LTE you only have a few more days to wait and then you can give one a home. Any takers? Specs can be found here if you're looking for them.

Source: @HTCUSA


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Could a new ?Want? button be coming to Facebook soon?

New "Want" button found buried in the site's code

While?Facebook is the world's largest social networking site with nearly 1 billion users, newcomer?Pinterest is giving the site a run for its money. Pinterest has become something of a showcase for people's wants ? the go-to site for posting?what wedding dress you'd like to wear, or what?cupcakes you want to eat. Rather than cede that market to Pinterest, Facebook appears ready to compete with it via its new "Want" button.

As of now, though the button appears in the code, the functionality is not yet working. After?trying to add a Want button to his site, web developer?Tom Waddington told Mashable, "The button displays on the site, but clicking it shows an error message. Facebook hasn't enabled any apps to publish Wants yet."

So, is Facebook currently testing a "Want" button? Only the company knows for sure. But this little datamined nugget seems to suggest that the social network is itching to?give retailers a hand in better connecting you with the products they sell.

[Tom Waddington via?Mashable]

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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China says plane hijack attempt thwarted

Six members of China's Uighur minority tried to hijack a plane flying from a restive city in the far-western Xinjiang region on Friday but crew members and passengers thwarted them, authorities said.

The plane returned safely to the airport in Hotan city -- which has seen a spate of violent clashes between mainly Muslim Uighurs and police due to simmering ethnic tensions -- and the suspects were detained, authorities said.

"The six hijackers are Uighurs," Hou Hanmin, a spokeswoman for the government of Xinjiang told AFP.

"For the moment, we don't know the purpose of the hijack. It's still under investigation," she said, adding at least seven crew members and passengers had been injured in the incident.

Two security personnel were also seriously injured, the official Xinhua news agency said.

The aircraft took off at 12:25 pm (0425 GMT) from Hotan, then 10 minutes into the flight the six suspects tried to "violently hijack" the plane, according to, the Xinjiang government's news website.

But crew members and passengers soon brought them under control and the aircraft returned to the city, the website said.

The plane -- which belongs to Tianjin Airlines, according to Xinhua -- had been bound for the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi, it added without providing further details.

Xinjiang is home to around nine million Uighurs, many of whom complain of religious and cultural repression by Chinese authorities -- a claim the government denies -- and the region is regularly hit by unrest.

The exiled World Uyghur Congress (WUC) disputed the government version of events, claiming that a fight over seating broke out onboard the aircraft between a group of Uighurs and Han Chinese, who vastly outnumbered them.

"The Uighurs of Hotan believe that this story about taking hostages is a lie," Dilxat Raxit, a spokesman for the organisation told AFP.

"We call on the international community to demand an inquiry. The Uighurs of Hotan believe the government is taking advantage of this incident to reinforce repression," he added.

Exiled Uighurs have accused authorities of launching a crackdown ahead of the anniversary of deadly July 2009 clashes between Uighurs and Han Chinese in Urumqi, among the most violent ethnic unrest in China in recent years.

Earlier this month, 12 children were injured when police raided an Islamic school in Hotan, amid the crackdown that has also targeted "illegal" religious activities.

Police said they descended on an "illegal religious study centre" on June 6 to free children being held there when criminal suspects "ignited a flammable explosive device".

They said officers had to fight to put out the fire, and 12 children suffering from burns were sent to hospital. Authorities have since launched house-to-house searches in the city.

The WUC, however,cited sources on the ground as saying police tossed tear gas into the school and caused the confrontation.

In July last year, at least 20 people -- including Uighur protesters -- were killed in Hotan in a clash with police.

State media quoted an official in the region as saying the clash was a "terrorist" attack and said four people including a police officer were killed when a crowd set upon a police station in the remote city.

But Uighur activists called it an outburst of anger by ordinary members of the minority, and accused authorities of attempting to block information on the deadly incident.

Xinjiang, a vast resource-rich region that borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, has been under heavy security since the July 2009 ethnic riots.

Rights groups say the violence in the region stems from long-held grievances among Uighurs, who complain of decades of repressive rule by Beijing and say an influx of Han is eroding their culture.

The government, however, says it has provided much-needed development to the region, and blames much of the violence there on what it calls the three "evil forces" of religious extremism, separatism and terrorism.


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RIM delays new BlackBerry launch; sales crumble

TORONTO (Reuters) - Research In Motion Ltd delayed the make-or-break launch of its next-generation BlackBerry phones until next year, in a devastating setback to the once-dominant technology company whose sales are crumbling.

Shares of the company, which also announced a steeper-than-expected quarterly operating loss and deep job cuts on Thursday, plunged 14 percent after it said it would release its revamped BlackBerry 10 devices early in 2013. It conceded the development had "proven to be more time-consuming than anticipated."

The delay in releasing the devices - RIM's last best hope of stemming its eclipse at the hands of Apple Inc's iPhone and phones using Google Inc's Android software - confirmed the worst fears of analysts and investors.

The size of the loss, RIM's first in eight years, and the likelihood that sales keep sliding into 2013, severely reduce the options for the company if it is to survive.

RIM's announcement that it would slash 5,000 jobs, or 30 percent of its workforce, only reinforced the impression of a company that could be in terminal decline.

"It's like watching a puppy die. It's terrible," said analyst Matthew Thornton of Avian Securities in Boston.

"Wow, what a disaster," said Edward Snyder, managing director of Charter Equity Research in San Francisco.

RIM is now in "a handset death spiral," he said. "From a numbers point of view, it could hardly be worse, and it's going to deteriorate from here," he said.

RIM, which virtually invented mobile email, has fallen from a leadership position to an also-ran in smartphones over a few years filled with delayed and uninspiring products, service outages and other embarrassments.

Now the new BlackBerry line will miss both the back-to-school and Christmas shopping periods, while the competition brings out new phones with more bells and whistles.

Apple is widely expected to unveil an iPhone 5 later this year, while a slew of manufacturers using Android are constantly pushing out new gadgets. Microsoft Corp is also planning to update its Windows software for mobile devices.

"There's really no guarantee that once they come out on the other side of BlackBerry 10 that it's going to be something that people will want," said Eric Jackson, a hedge fund manager at Ironfire Capital in Toronto.

The sharp deterioration may push to RIM into one of the more radical options it is considering with its investment bankers. Licensing, partnerships, a split in the company or its outright sale are all on the table.

Even so, freshman Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins gave no indication on a Thursday conference call that he was losing faith in the current tack of cutting costs while waiting for the BlackBerry 10 launch, which is now due more than a year after it was initially promised.

The new devices are now set to land in a slow period when consumers are tapped out after their holiday spending.

"It's akin to launching fireworks underwater," said IDC analyst Kevin Restivo.


RIM expects the job cuts to cost $350 million in the current fiscal year. It has pledged to slash $1 billion from its operating costs in the year.

RIM now considers that $1 billion target as a minimum it will pursue, given the additional BlackBerry 10 delay. It said it had already cut layers of management, streamlined its supply chain and outsourced repair work.

Analyst Shaw Wu of Sterne Agee in San Francisco said RIM would now have to be very careful.

"Layoffs are not free - there's a use of cash with that," Wu said. "They have to be very careful with their cash balance. It's a matter of survival now."

RIM's cash position - which has become a focus of concern for analysts as the company dips into the red - increased to $2.2 billion by the end of the quarter, and it aims to maintain that level this quarter.

The company conceded that may slip as it pays severance to reduce the workforce, but it declined to estimate the cash position going into 2013.

Shares of RIM, which have dropped about 70 percent over the past year, were down 14 percent at $7.86 in after-hours Nasdaq trading. At that price, the market is valuing the company at $4.12 billion, a far cry from its once-lofty market capitalization of about $84 billion.


RIM had warned it would post an operating loss but did not provide specifics.

Excluding special items, the loss came in at $192 million, or 37 cents a share, for the first quarter ended on June 2. Revenue declined 43 percent to $2.81 billion.

Analysts on average expected a loss of 7 cents a share on revenue of $3.07 billion, according to an informal Reuters poll.

For the year-earlier quarter, RIM reported a profit of $695 million, or $1.33 a share, on sales of $4.91 billion.

RIM said it expected to post another operating loss in the current quarter, as it ships fewer smartphones.

The company said it had shipped 7.8 million BlackBerry smartphones in the last quarter, only about half of the more than 14 million of two quarters ago. Until now, it had shipped more than 10 million devices every quarter since late in 2009.

RIM sent out 260,000 of its poor-selling PlayBook tablet computers, which it has discounted sharply after initially pricing them at levels comparable with Apple's iPad.

Apple sold more than 11 million iPads last quarter. RIM said last month that it would no longer produce the cheapest model of the PlayBook, which uses the same QNX-based operating system that the company is struggling to integrate into its future phones

(Additional reporting by Euan Rocha, Susan Taylor, Cam French, Allison Martell, Jennifer Kwan in Toronto; Editing by Frank McGurty, Martin Howell and Lisa Von Ahn)


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Friday, June 29, 2012

Marathon Swimmer Prepares For Florida To Cuba Swim; 'It's Further Than I've Ever Swum Before'

?I looked down, I could see this beautiful stretch of water, and wow!? she said. Palfrey got home and immediately began researching currents in the strait and its water temperatures, which are similar to a swim she made last year between Little Cayman and Grand Cayman islands.

?By then I?m already hooked,? Palfrey said.

Australian Susie Maroney made the Cuba-to-Florida crossing in 1997 at the age of 22, but she swam with a shark cage. American Diana Nyad made two cageless attempts last year on either side of her 62nd birthday, but they were cut short by asthma attacks and jellyfish stings. Nyad plans to try again this summer.

Palfrey will be swimming without a wetsuit or a cage and relying on battery-powered Shark Shields attached to the boat and an accompanying kayak to keep the sharp-toothed predators at bay. The equipment generates an electrical field in the water that Palfrey will not notice, but will annoy sensitive-snouted sharks enough so they stay away.

To guard against Portuguese man o? war stings, which sunk Nyad?s second and best attempt last summer, Palfrey will don a Lycra bodysuit that covers her down to her wrists and ankles whenever it seems jellyfish may be a problem.

?It?s porous and non-buoyant so it doesn?t aid me as a swimmer,? she said. ?In fact it?s harder to swim because it creates drag and there?s a lot more seams, so there?s some chafing issues.?

Palfrey had to call off two previous Hawaii swims due to Portuguese man o? war stings.

She was meeting with her crew and carbo-loading with a pasta dinner Thursday night in preparation of her morning departure from the Hemingway Marina in Havana. She expects to take 40-50 hours to swim to Florida, and said the currents will dictate where she lands.

A 44-foot (13-meter) catamaran dubbed the Sunluver will shadow her, carrying a support crew of navigators, kayakers, handlers, medical personnel and observers on hand to verify what would be a record swim. Every half-hour she?ll sip a carbohydrate drink for nourishment.

Palfrey traversed the English Channel twice and also has completed a continuous swim from Gibraltar to Morocco and back.

Last year?s 67-mile (108-kilometer) Caymans crossing is her personal best, but Palfrey said she?s in good shape and 20 years of marathon swimming has her well-prepared for the 103 miles of the Florida Straits.

?It?s further than I?ve ever swum before,? she said. ?I expect it to be very challenging, but I?m very excited about it.

Her attempt at the Florida Straits was delayed slightly by Tropical Storm Debby. Palfrey said Thursday that the weather and sea conditions look good for the next few days.


Follow Peter Orsi on Twitter at

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tourists flock to Croatia's Plitvice lake park Plitvice lake park, Croatia's first national park established in 1949, covers 296.85 km2 of natural splendor. It is the largest of the eight national parks in Croatia. Ranging in altitude from 367m to 1279m above sea level, the park was inscribed on the UNESCO's World Heritage List in 1979, in recognition of its "outstanding natural beauty and undisturbed production of travertine through chemical and biological action". The park harbours a grand collection of waterfalls, gallery of lakes, forest and diversity of animal life. The sixteen lakes are formed by natural dams of travertine. About eight km of pathways and wooden walking trails around lakes are accessible to visitors. More than 900,000 tourists visit the park each year. Duration: 00:33 Watch now


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

You Can Find Out About Home Businesses Online ? ...

Not everybody is cut out to own their own home-based business, but that doesn't imply you shouldn't give it a shot. This is especially true now, when at an insignificant cost you can create any of a number of home-based businesses with a computer. All it takes is an inexpensive, high-speed Internet access, and the enthusiasm to spend a bit of time doing the research. Unlike a local brick-and-mortar business, which is expensive to set up, and is restricted to local customers, your computer business can be world wide. All that's necessary for somebody to be a potential customer is for them to manage to connect to the Internet.

If you seriously wish to try an internet business, there are lots of ways of going about it. You could get rolling on the Internet without being a computer geek, but knowing about using a computer helps. Rather than technical skills, what is a lot more important for success online is your level of knowledge regarding something you enjoy doing. As one example of this, those who are proficient at creative writing could give some thought to a web-based copywriting business. Writing could also be done freelance, doing jobs for individuals who either can't stand writing or aren't any good at it. What it comes down to is pinpointing a group of folks who have a need for something, like say, content, and providing them with it. Create a portfolio of your work, do a little bit of marketing, and, hey presto! you've got a business. Once you installed Comment Luv Premium on your WordPress website or blog, you will start observing the highest results in commenting visitors.

Online auction sites are another avenue from which a lot of people are making a nice income. You may have a lot of products already that can be sold online, or you can buy items at wholesale and sell at full price. Getting your product offers seen by potential customers is taken care of for you by places like eBay and other online auction web sites. All you should do, is determine a price for your product, list it available for purchase, and then wait until a shopper chooses your product. You will get payment if somebody makes a purchase, and then you fulfill your side of the deal by sending the customer their purchase.

Life is getting easier in several ways through the advances in technology. Given a personal computer anybody can now start a business. Not only does the internet have a lot of products to sell, but there is enough information on the web to show you how to sell them. If you could easily identify a business model that appeals to you and apply it to your own start-up business, that would be great.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Was Obama booed over Youkilis joke? The perils of talking sports on the stump

Politicians like to use sports references as a way to connect with voters. But a botched line can be perilous.

By Liz Marlantes / June 26, 2012

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign event at Symphony Hall in Boston June 25.

Larry Downing/REUTERS


At a fundraiser in Boston last night, President Obama encountered what sounded like some rare boos when he teasingly told the crowd: "I want to say thank you for Youkilis" ? referring to third baseman Kevin Youkilis, who had recently been traded from the Boston Red Sox to Obama's hometown team, the Chicago White Sox.

Skip to next paragraph Liz Marlantes

Liz Marlantes covers politics for the Monitor and is a regular?contributor to the Monitor's political blog, DC Decoder.?

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The crowd responded with what sounded like a ripple of boos (though a Monitor reporter in attendance heard mostly chants of "Youuuuk").

Either way, if the jibe was intended to get a laugh, the resulting response?clearly caught the president off guard. He joked: ?I didn?t think I was going to get any boos out of here. I should not have brought up?baseball. I understand. My mistake.?

It's a sentiment that no doubt reverberates with scores of other politicians who have made regrettable sports references, only to find themselves booed ? or worse, mocked.

Talking sports on the stump is an easy way for a politician to connect with crowds and bolster his or her "regular guy" credentials. But, as many have learned, a botched sports reference can seriously backfire.

Remember Sen. John Kerry's cringe-inducing reference to "Lambert Field," in an attempt to relate to Packers fans in Wisconsin during the 2004 campaign? During that same campaign, Senator Kerry also told a Michigan crowd "I go for Buckeye football," unintentionally promoting a fierce rival.

More recently, Vice President Joe Biden got some jeers for telling a San Francisco crowd that the Giants were "on their way to the Super Bowl," when in fact, the hometown 49ers were about to face the New York Giants in the playoffs (he later said he mixed up the city's baseball and football teams). Nor do flubs have to be team-specific:?Newt Gingrich was mocked during the GOP primary campaign for answering a debate question about where he'd be if not at the debate with "watching college championship basketball" (which was not actually on that night). ? ?

But the most perilous terrain of all for a politician may be references to the Red Sox.

Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren ? who introduced the president at last night's fundraiser ? was given a hard time earlier in the year when she flubbed a debate question about which years Boston won the World Series. (In April, Warren's opponent, incumbent GOP Sen. Scott Brown, actually began running radio ads about the Red Sox that didn't even mention the campaign, essentially assuming that listeners would remember Warren's mistake.)?

And of course, Senator Brown's previous Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, was widely seen as having lost her race in large part because of two Red Sox-related flubs ? dismissing the idea of shaking hands with voters outside Fenway Park, and incorrectly identifying former Sox pitcher Curt Schilling as a "Yankee fan."

Given all that, Obama may have gotten off relatively easily (of course, he didn't make any factual errors). But we bet he steers clear of Red Sox references in the future.?

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Healing With Affirmations - New Publication Released by Mike ...

Positive affirmations cover a group of affirmations aimed at reaching inner peace, dwelling optimally and developing solid confidence to manage hardships in life.

The entire world today is filled with plenty of uncertainty. From destruction bombings and economic downturns to disease outbreaks and natural disasters, people are seeking new forms of determination and encouragement to be able to nourish their brain and keep them mentally and emotionally solid in times of hardship.

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The most sought after personal development methods today is affirmations. There are all kinds of affirmations, from money approach affirmations and love and relationship statements and affirmations to positive affirmations.

Affirmations cover a group of affirmations aimed at achieving internal peace, living best and building solid confidence to face struggles in life. Instead of just telling yourself what you need in life, through apply, affirmations lay a significantly stronger impact since when you affirm yourself consistently, you consistently build strong unconscious beliefs in your mind that may then reflect inside your outer world.

Let us dwell deeper in to the world of positive affirmations as well as let tap into it?s unlimited power nowadays!

Healing With Affirmations
Heal Your Mind With The Power Of Positive Affirmations

A positive affirmation is definitely an autosuggestion of empowering feelings in a form of a statement of something you want, or a condition around the globe, which is repeated persistently in order to implant it in the mind.

When these ideal everything is presented to our unconscious mind repeatedly, we lay down the groundwork for cementing strong, empowering beliefs into our inner mind. Just like how our past beliefs affect our latest behaviors (e.g. childhood experiences), our subconscious mind is based on what we should experience in the past this also affects what we comprehend in the present.

By continuously embedding positive thoughts into our subconscious mind, we train ourselves to consentrate in ways that enable ourselves instead of limit ourselves.
For example, one particular positive affirmation could possibly be ?I?m a great public speaker!?. Affirm yourself daily bearing this in mind and you can be sure that you?ll become more confident speaking in front of a crowd compared to if you believed you couldn?t get it done.
Affirmations are also generally called ?Daily affirmations?. Meaning you have to practice it every day for it to be effective.

Declare it in the morning, soon after lunch, before you rest, as long as you make it an everyday ritual, the more powerful affirmations become.

Statements and affirmations are one of those so called ?New Age? self improvement tools to get outcomes fast.

For more information about Alan Blinkhorn visit our website.

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Google wants to help save the world?s lost languages

Help save the world's cultural identity, one word at a time

In an effort to help preserve some of the world's rarest languages,?Google has teamed up with various universities and cultural diversity organizations to form the?Endangered Languages Project. The company is providing assistance to these groups to build a vast database of information on thousands of languages that are at risk of being completely forgotten.

According to the Endangered Languages Project, roughly 3,500 unique languages are at risk of being wiped out within the next century. As each language disappears, so does a piece of each culture's identity, and the spoken history of each group is threatened. You can explore the location of each threatened language using the?built-in interactive map on the project's website, and even add your own input if you have special knowledge of a language on the site.

Some of the cultural preservation advocates on board the project include the Alaska Native Language Archive, the Indigenous Language Institute, and various schools such as UCLA and the University of Pennsylvania. With so many people working to preserve these rare dialects, there is undoubtedly a greater chance to save them than ever before.

[via?Flowing Data]

This article originally appeared on Tecca

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More UK nuclear could add 32,000 jobs: EDF report

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Touch therapy helps reduce pain, nausea in cancer patients, study suggests

ScienceDaily (June 26, 2012) ? A new study by the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center shows that patients reported significant improvement in side effects of cancer treatment following just one Jin Shin Jyutsu session. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient form of touch therapy similar to acupuncture in philosophy.

Presented at the 2012 Markey Cancer Center Research Day by Jennifer Bradley who is the Jin Shin Jyutsu integrative practitioner at Markey, the study included 159 current cancer patients. Before and after each Jin Shin Jyutsu session, Bradley asked patients to assess their symptoms of pain, stress and nausea on a scale of 0-10, with 0 representing no symptoms.

The study found that in each session patients experienced significant improvement in the areas of pain, stress, and nausea with the first visit and in subsequent visits as well. The mean decreases experienced were three points for stress and two points for both pain and nausea.

"I was pleased to see quantitatively the improvements that patients noted in these primary areas of discomfort," said Bradley. "It was interesting to note that regardless of age, sex or diagnosis, cancer patients received a statistically significant improvement in the side effects from treatment. It is encouraging to note that Jin Shin Jyutsu made improvements in these areas without adding additional unwanted effects that so often occur with medication interventions."

Funded by a grant from the Lexington Cancer Foundation, Jin Shin Jyutsu is considered part of an integrative treatment plan available at the UK Markey Cancer Center. Bradley offers Jin Shin Jyutsu to all cancer patients at no charge. Patients may self-refer, though half are referred by their physician or Markey staff.

During a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, patients receive light touches on 52 specific energetic points called Safety Energy Locks as well as fingers, toes, and midpoints on the upper arm, upper calf and lower leg in predetermined orders known as "flows." Patients remained clothed except for shoes and all hand placements are done over clothing.

Sessions were performed in the Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment Room, Chemotherapy Outpatient Clinic, or in the patient's hospital room. The study also noted that the greatest overall improvement came from sessions held in the Jin Shin Jyutsu Treatment Room, where sessions are generally of a longer duration.

The study did not include controls for several parameters including the time between sessions or location and duration of service. Bradley's next study will control more of these variables, and her team will access patients' medical records over the time period of their participation to evaluate changes in patients' medication usage for cancer and symptom management of pain, stress and nausea.

"The American Cancer Society has noted that quality of life is an issue for all cancer patients; those undergoing treatment, late stage patients, and cancer survivors," Bradley said. "There is a need for additional research to develop evidence-based interventions that have a positive impact on the quality of life for all of these individuals without adding to their burden. From what I have seen in my office and the results shown in the study, I believe that Jin Shin Jyutsu has great promise in this area."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Kentucky. The original article was written by Allison Perry.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Issa challenges Obama executive privilege claim

WASHINGTON (AP) ? With a vote looming to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, a House committee chairman is challenging President Barack Obama's claim of executive privilege, invoked to maintain secrecy for some documents related to a failed gun-tracking operation.

Obama's claim broadly covers administration documents about the program called Operation Fast and Furious, not just those prepared for the president. But Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that recommended the contempt charge, maintains the privilege is reserved for documents to and from the president and his most senior advisers.

In a letter to the president dated Monday and made public Tuesday, Issa cited an appellate court decision to back his claim and questioned whether Obama was asserting a presidential power "solely for the purpose of further obstructing a congressional investigation."

White House Spokesman Eric Schultz said Tuesday that Issa's analysis "has as much merit as his absurd contention that Operation Fast and Furious was created in order to promote gun control. Our position is consistent with executive branch legal precedent for the past three decades spanning administrations of both parties."

Courts have routinely "affirmed the right of the executive branch to invoke the privilege even when White House documents are not involved," Schultz said.

Some experts agree with the president's view that all executive branch documents are protected from disclosure. Ohio State University law professor Peter Shane, a specialist in presidential power, says executive privilege historically covers documents generated anywhere in the executive branch.

Behind the legal argument is a political dispute. House Republican leaders are pressing for a contempt vote against Holder by Friday, unless they can work out a deal that breaks through the administration's privilege claim.

Holder's offer last week to turn over some documents ? the Justice Department has provided 7,600 records so far ? was rejected by Issa because he contended the attorney general was demanding an end to the committee's investigation.

Ironically, the documents at the heart of the current argument are not directly related to the workings of Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed guns to "walk" from Arizona to Mexico in hopes they could be tracked.

Rather, Issa wants internal communications from February 2011, when the administration denied knowledge of gun-walking, to the end of the year, when officials acknowledged the denial was in error. Those documents covered a period after Fast and Furious was shut down.

In Fast and Furious, agents of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Arizona abandoned the agency's usual practice of intercepting all weapons they believed to be illicitly purchased. Instead, the goal of gun-walking was to track such weapons to high-level arms traffickers who long had eluded prosecution and to dismantle their networks.

Gun-walking long has been barred by Justice Department policy, but federal agents in Arizona experimented with it in at least two investigations during the George W. Bush administration before Fast and Furious. These experiments came as the department was under widespread criticism that the old policy of arresting every suspected low-level "straw purchaser" was still allowing tens of thousands of guns to reach Mexico. A straw purchaser is an illicit buyer of guns for others.

The agents in Arizona lost track of several hundred weapons in Operation Fast and Furious. The low point of the operation came in Arizona in 2010, when Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in a firefight with a group of armed Mexican bandits and two guns traced to the operation were found at the scene.

Issa, in his letter to the president, wrote, "Courts have consistently held that the assertion of the constitutionally-based executive privilege ... is only applicable ... to documents and communications that implicate the confidentiality of the president's decision-making process."

The letter said that while the privilege covers only the president and his advisers, it is a qualified privilege that can be overcome by a showing of the committee's need for the documents.

Shane, the Ohio State professor, said: "Executive privilege is really an umbrella concept that encompasses a variety of privileges. History's most famous claim of executive privilege ? President Richard Nixon's unsuccessful attempt to withhold the Watergate tapes ? was an example of 'presidential privacy privilege.' That privilege covers executive communications when the president is involved."

He said the executive branch historically claims a much broader privilege, the so-called deliberative privilege. That claim tries to protect documents generated anywhere in the executive branch that embody only the executive's internal deliberations, not final policy decisions. The current dispute involves deliberative privilege, he said.

Issa quoted from a 1997 case in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit in which the court said the privilege should not extend to staff outside the White House in executive branch agencies.

Rather, the court said, it should apply only to "communications authored or solicited and received by those members of an immediate White House adviser's staff" with responsibility for formulating advice for the president.

However, the case which Issa repeatedly cited in his letter distinguishes carefully between the "presidential communications privilege" and the "deliberative process privilege." In that case, the court dealt only with the presidential communication privilege but observed that both the communications privilege and the deliberative privilege are executive privileges designed to protect the confidentiality of executive branch decision-making. It's the deliberative process privilege that Obama invoked in the current dispute over Operation Fast and Furious.

President George W. Bush invoked executive privilege for the first time in his administration to block a congressional committee trying to review documents about a decades-long scandal involving FBI misuse of mob informants in Boston.


Associated Press writer Pete Yost contributed to this story.

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Iowa Mission of Mercy to bring free dental care to Davenport - WQAD 8

Posted on: 1:31 pm, June 25, 2012, by John David, updated on: 01:32pm, June 25, 2012

With the Supreme Court poised to rule on the Affordable Care Act in coming days, it makes a special dental program even more timely.

The Iowa Mission of Mercy is coming to Davenport?s RiverCenter on October 5 and 6.

?It will be a full house,? said Davenport Mayor Bill Gluba.

Local dentists are joining forces with the Iowa Dental Association and Iowa Dental Foundation.

?As we see more and more folks not having access to dental insurance through their jobs, it becomes a huge problem to get folks dental care,? said Dr. Mary Mariani, a Davenport dentist and incoming president of the Iowa Dental Association.

Scenes from last year?s mission in Sioux City help to pinpoint the need. The two-day clinic served more than 1,300 patients. They came for cleanings, fillings and more elaborate care.

One patient, Matt Henderson, traveled from Davenport to Sioux City for the free services.

?I came all this way because I haven?t had dental insurance for five years,? he said. ?My? teeth are a mess.?

Organizers are going to transform the Great Hall into a giant dental practice. There will be about 100 dental chairs available during the free October clinic. They hope to treat nearly 2,000 patients.

Participating dentists say that the timing couldn?t be better for the event. Many patients are thinking about access to health care in this economy.

?You?re able to help people without all the administrative hassles that we have to go through every day with insurance,? said Dr. Kyle Gagliardo, a Bettendorf dentist. ?It?s nice to be able to sit down and use our skills to help people.?

One patient at a time, this mission will reach out to the entire community. It?s a caring community that?s ready to respond.

Genesis Health Services Foundation made a $10,000 donation to help finance the clinic.

?We do have patients who come into the emergency room probably about once a day that requires some acute dental care,? said Missy Gowey, the foundation?s executive director.

There?s also a need for dozens of volunteers to make the event a reality. Contact or to find out how to contribute.

?Dental health is part of your overall health care,? Mariani concluded. ?If your mouth isn?t healthy, then the rest of you can?t be.?

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Treating vitamin D deficiency may improve depression

ScienceDaily (June 25, 2012) ? Women with moderate to severe depression had substantial improvement in their symptoms of depression after they received treatment for their vitamin D deficiency, a new study finds.

The case report series was presented June 23 at The Endocrine Society's 94th Annual Meeting in Houston.

Because the women did not change their antidepressant medications or other environmental factors that relate to depression, the authors concluded that correction of the patients' underlying shortage of vitamin D might be responsible for the beneficial effect on depression.

"Vitamin D may have an as-yet-unproven effect on mood, and its deficiency may exacerbate depression," said Sonal Pathak, MD, an endocrinologist at Bayhealth Medical Center in Dover, Del. "If this association is confirmed, it may improve how we treat depression."

Pathak presented the research findings in three women, who ranged in age from 42 to 66. All had previously diagnosed major depressive disorder, also called clinical depression, and were receiving antidepressant therapy. The patients also were being treated for either Type 2 diabetes or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).

Because the women had risk factors for vitamin D deficiency, such as low vitamin D intake and poor sun exposure, they each underwent a 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood test. For all three women, the test found low levels of vitamin D, ranging from 8.9 to 14.5 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), Pathak reported. Levels below 21 ng/mL are considered vitamin D deficiency, and normal vitamin D levels are above 30 ng/mL, according to The Endocrine Society.

Over eight to 12 weeks, oral vitamin D replacement therapy restored the women's vitamin D status to normal. Their levels after treatment ranged from 32 to 38 ng/mL according to the study abstract.

After treatment, all three women reported significant improvement in their depression, as found using the Beck Depression Inventory. This 21-item questionnaire scores the severity of sadness and other symptoms of depression. A score of 0 to 9 indicates minimal depression; 10 to 18, mild depression; 19 to 29, moderate depression; and 30 to 63, severe depression.

One woman's depression score improved from 32 before vitamin D therapy to 12, a change from severe to mild depression. Another woman's score fell from 26 to 8, indicating she now had minimal symptoms of depression. The third patient's score of 21 improved after vitamin D treatment to 16, also in the mild range.

Other studies have suggested that vitamin D has an effect on mood and depression, but there is a need for large, good-quality, randomized controlled clinical trials to prove whether there is a real causal relationship, Dr Pathak said.

"Screening at-risk depressed patients for vitamin D deficiency and treating it appropriately may be an easy and cost-effective adjunct to mainstream therapies for depression," she said.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Endocrine Society, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Man captured on video faces child abuse charges

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Federer eyes record-tying 7th Wimbledon title

WIMBLEDON, England (AP) ? No one makes Wimbledon fashion choices quite like Roger Federer, who showed up at the All England Club on Saturday sporting a collar-popped, long-sleeved cream sweater with purple trim and a green "RF" insignia on the upper right arm.

This is the guy, remember, who pulled on a specially tailored white jacket with a gold "15" stitched on the back when he broke Pete Sampras' career record of 14 Grand Slam titles by winning Wimbledon for the sixth time in 2009.

Federer hasn't been able to add No. 7.

Actually, he hasn't made it past the quarterfinals at the grass-court tournament since, losing in that round the past two years.

"I want to do better; I have to do better in this event, because I could have gone further," the 30-year-old Federer said Saturday. "Maybe a bit unfortunate at times. Maybe the other guys were just too good. Maybe I wasn't quite at my best. Who knows what the combination was? But it's up to me to make that difference now and take it to the next step. ... A seventh would be amazing."

Only Sampras and Willie Renshaw ? who played in the 1800s and got a bye directly into the final as the defending champion for five of his titles ? have won Wimbledon seven times.

The last man 30 or older to win a Grand Slam title was Andre Agassi at the 2003 Australian Open.

"Well, I mean, any one is a special one. Doesn't matter if it was No. 5, No. 2, No. 17 or No. 7 here at Wimbledon," Federer said. "Over a two-, three-week period, a lot of things can go wrong or can go right for you. If you come through, it's a beautiful feeling. I am dreaming of the title. There's no denying that."

Federer owns a record 16 Grand Slam titles now, but has gone about 2? years since his most recent one at the 2010 Australian Open, the longest drought since he won No. 1 at Wimbledon in 2003.

The last nine major trophies were collected by Novak Djokovic or Rafael Nadal, who have played each other in the last four Grand Slam finals.

Federer, of course, wants to be the one to end that run.

"Hopefully it's my time of the year now," he said. "I fancy my chances here and at the U.S. Open. It's exciting times ahead, but we'll see how it goes. As long as they're No. 1 and No. 2, they face each other in the (finals). It's maybe a good thing for them; a hard thing for us. At the same time, I'm very close (to) breaking that, and hopefully I can make a run here at Wimbledon."

Federer was ranked No. 1 for 285 weeks in all, one short of another record held by Sampras, but currently is No. 3, trailing No. 1 Djokovic and No. 2 Nadal.

Federer, who was drawn to face Djokovic in the semifinals, would return to the top ranking by winning the title at Wimbledon, where play begins Monday.

"I'm sort of picking him to win this year at Wimbledon, even though it looks like the gap has grown between the other two and him," said three-time Wimbledon champion and ESPN analyst John McEnroe. "But to me Wimbledon is his best chance to win another major. He seems to still want it, as much as he'd already won. He's got a great chance this year. I think that's his best bet."

And as much as a return to No. 1 would be gratifying, Federer left no doubt about what would mean even more to him.

"Trophies is what really gets you going. No. 1 is a nice feeling. Every day, when you wake up ... you think, 'OK, you're the best at something.' I've had that in the past and that felt great," he said. "Obviously, it's really titles that interest you the most at this moment."


Follow Howard Fendrich on Twitter at

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Alabama Home Improvement ? Some Suggestions (Ezine Ready) |

No matter where you are, your home is your life. It?s where?you come home and relax at the end of the day, where your friends come to say hello, and where you throw your Christmas parties each year. You want to feel comfortable and pleased when you?re in your home, not disappointed and sad that your home doesn?t look the way you want it to. That?s why there is home improvement. It is what you do when you feel that you just don?t have that spark in your home that you feel in your heart. Yet how do you go about making such drastic changes? There are many things to consider when giving your home that revamp.

Color Scheme
The simplest way to give your home your own personal style is just to add a new coat of paint. Not only is paint affordable, when you do it right, it?ll give you a major change in no time at all. For the most part, there are three main color ?personalities?. Blue corresponds with a calm, collected personality, while red is fiery and spontaneous. People who are organized and ?clean? generally go with white, while people who enjoy a little flair go with purples and pinks. If you don?t categorize yourself into one personality, as many people do not, choose either your favorite color or a combination of colors. The best combinations are complementary colors, which can be found on opposite sides of a standard color wheel, such as purple and yellow, green and red, and blue and orange. Choosing a color scheme is an important decision, but luckily, painting doesn?t take much money or time, so when you change your mind, it won?t be hard to fix!

Much like the color scheme, furniture can really give your own personality to the room. Decide what you want and what you can afford. Warehouses will offer the cheapest buys, but may not always have what is ?in style? in the world of furniture. Make sure you know what you want in your new furniture; do you want it simply for style, for comfort, or a little bit of both? If comfort is what you want in your furniture, be sure not to buy online. You should be able to go into the store and try it out for yourself. Don?t trust ads on the internet!

Ever notice how your refrigerator light blinks when you open the door, or how your washer has a musty smell? Perhaps it is time for an upgrade! Appliances can be expensive, but certain stores offer discounts, coupons, and overall cheaper than some name brand stores. Before going shopping for any new appliance, do some research? Figure out what you need in your appliances, so you don?t waste money on something you don?t need. Go to different stores and write down the prices, so that you can later compare the best buy. Be on the lookout for discounts, especially around holidays. Buying online is also a great option, but be wary of scams and be sure you know what you are getting in to. Don?t buy unless you trust the seller! Changing or upgrading the appliances in your home will definitely make you feel a lot about your living space.

Your home is important to you, and you want to be happy living in it. Be sure to know what you want, and don?t be afraid to look around a little before making any changes to your home. Don?t waste money on things you don?t need, and don?t be afraid to make a few changes when you feel the need!

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About the Author

Once you?ve decided on the home improvements you would like to undertake, why not compare free Alabama home improvement quotes from fully screened professionals to save yourself some money.

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sandusky's attorney expects him to be convicted on some counts

Jurors reheard testimony from two witnesses on their second day of deliberations in Jerry Sandusky's trial. NBC News' John Yang reports from Bellefonte, Pa.

By M. Alex Johnson,, and Kimberly Kaplan, NBC News

Updated at 7:04 p.m. ET: BELLEFONTE, Pa. ? Jerry Sandusky's attorney said Friday that he expects his client to be convicted on some of the 48 child sexual abuse counts against him.

Kimberly Kaplan of NBC News reported from Bellefonte, Pa. M. Alex Johnson is a reporter for Follow M. Alex Johnson on Twitter and Facebook.

"I would die of a heart attack ? shocked ? if he was acquitted on all of the charges," Joseph Amendola, the head of Sandusky's defense team, told reporters in Centre County Court.

"It is just statistically unlikely," he said.

Jurors were into their 17th hour of deliberations in the trial of Sandusky, 68, the former defensive coordinator for Penn State University's storied football team and founder of the Second Mile charity for troubled children. He denies all 48 counts in two grand jury reports alleging that he abused 10 boys over 15 years.

Amendola spoke to reporters for a few minutes inside the courthouse before a court official cut him off. Judge John Cleland has issued a gag order prohibiting participants from making public statements "regarding the Defendant's guilt or innocence" (.pdf).

Before he was hustled away, Amendola acknowledged that "it's a daunting, daunting case," but he said Sandusky has "always been optimistic."?

There was still no indication when the jurors might reach a verdict. They were expected to work through dinner, just as they had Thursday night.

Earlier Friday, the jury asked Cleland for clarification on hearsay and circumstantial evidence, an indication that they were wrestling with secondhand testimony about an incident in which Sandusky was allegedly seen in a Penn State University shower with a young boy.

The question involved the testimony of Ronald Petrosky, a janitor at Penn State, who said that he saw "two pairs of legs" in the shower in November 2005. He said he discussed the incident with a colleague, Jim Calhoun, who told him that he had seen Sandusky performing oral sex on the boy, who is identified in a grand jury report as "Victim 8."

Calhoun is hospitalized with dementia and didn't testify. Cleland allowed Petrosky's secondhand testimony under an exception to rules barring hearsay evidence.

Cleland instructed the jurors that "the statement of Mr. Calhoun as related to you by Mr. Petrosky is not sufficient standing alone to sustain a conviction."

Full coverage of the Jerry Sandusky trial

Ghosts of Sandusky's dreams haunt home where charity was born

Legal analysis by Wes Oliver

"You must be satisfied that there is other evidence that supports that a crime had been committed besides Mr. Calhoun's hearsay statement," he stressed.

Thursday night, jurors told Cleland that they wanted to rehear the testimony of former Penn State assistant coach Michael McQueary, who testified that he overheard and saw Sandusky apparently having sex with a young boy in a football locker room shower, and Jonathan Dranov, a family friend who testified that McQueary told him about incident. Both men's testimony was re-enacted Friday morning.

McQueary testified last week that he saw a young boy ? identified in the first grand jury report as "Victim 2" ? in a Penn State shower with his hands against the wall and Sandusky standing up against him from behind. He said he heard a "skin-on-skin smacking sound" and that he had "no doubt" that Sandusky was engaging in anal sex with the boy.

Testifying for the defense this week, Dranov said McQueary described hearing sounds he considered sexual in nature but didn't give a graphic description of what he saw.

"I kept saying, 'What did you see?'" Dranov testified. "Each time, he would come back to the sounds. It just seemed to make him more upset, so I backed off that."

The lead defense attorney, Joseph Amendola, argued in his closing statements Thursday that McQueary "assumed" sex was occurring without having actually seen any.

And he contended that Dranov must not have believed that the incident was as serious as he later said because he didn't report it to police. As a physician, Dranov is required by law to report any indication of child abuse.

The jury of seven women and five men is being sequestered during deliberations without access to computers, phones or any other way to hear news coverage of the trial. That means they wouldn't have heard that Sandusky's adopted son Matt said that he had been prepared to testify that he, too, was a victim of abuse by his father, according to a statement issued by attorneys who said they are representing the younger Sandusky.

(NBC News and generally do not identify victims of sexual assaults, but Matt Sandusky chose to identify himself in a public statement released through his attorneys.)

Sources told NBC News that Jerry Sandusky abandoned plans to testify in his own defense because of the prospect of damaging rebuttal testimony by his son.

Matt Sandusky: From stalwart defender to possibly his father's most damning accuser

Travis Weaver, who alleges that he was abused by former Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, tells NBC Bews' Kate Snow, "I'll be OK when he's in prison."

Nor would they have heard the account of Travis Weaver, 30, of Ohio, who attended Second Mile camps as a youth. Weaver told NBC News in an interview that aired Thursday night that Sandusky performed oral sex on him in the upstairs bedroom of the Sanduskys' home.

Weaver testified to one of the two grand juries but wasn't mentioned in the grand jury reports or called as a witness during the trial.

Several of the counts are so-called mandated felonies, meaning Cleland would have no discretion in sentencing. Most carry sentences of 10 to 20 years in prison, meaning that even if he is convicted on only a handful of those counts, Sandusky could spend the rest of his life in prison.

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