Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Evans Family!: Baby Shower for Nixon!

The morning of the baby shower was very busy!? Berkley was the only one who got to eat breakfast...lucky girl!?

There was a good turn-out and I enjoyed seeing my friends and family!? Berkley thought that the party was for her and didn't like that mommy was opening all of the presents so she got to help a little bit!? ?

My friend, Kathleen, made this adorable blanket and a cute little beanie and jacket for Nixon!? I wish I had that much talent!?

Aaron's sister and her daughter (Joli and Brooke) brought this adorable diaper bike all the way from Ogden!? Unfortunately it didn't like the ride very much but it was still super cute!?

The diaper cake from Ryan and Ashley (our besties!) and the yummy food!?

How cute is this?!? Ashley saw it on Pinterest and was brave enough to attempt it and talented enough to make it turn out AWESOME!? She's so great!?

Opening more presents!?

We got lots and lots of super cute clothes!? I loved it!?

My mom made this adorable blanket for Nixon!? The funny thing is that we picked out the fabric back in November before we knew if we were having a boy or a girl and way before we bought the bedding for his room.? I forgot what colors the blanket was and we ended up with matching bedding anyways!?

We got a few cute stuffed animals!?

Berkley didn't waste any time in claiming this little friend as her own!?

Cute little dinosaur burp cloths!?

I love this dinosaur blanket?!

A cute dinosaur car seat cover too!? Thanks, Mom!? The cover is perfect on the car seat and it's all ready for the big day now!?

Berkley was heart-broken when I took this present from her to open it so she got to help!? AGAIN!!!? :)? She's such a cute little bug!?

Still opening presents!? Wow!? I got to open a lot!?

More cute clothes!?

Berkley playing with my cousin's daughter, Riley!? She LOVES to back up to sit down on people!?

I DEFINITELY got showered with gifts!? ?

The cute Ryan and Ashley who planned the whole shabang!? Thanks guys!? You rock!?

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