Saturday, June 30, 2012

Could a new ?Want? button be coming to Facebook soon?

New "Want" button found buried in the site's code

While?Facebook is the world's largest social networking site with nearly 1 billion users, newcomer?Pinterest is giving the site a run for its money. Pinterest has become something of a showcase for people's wants ? the go-to site for posting?what wedding dress you'd like to wear, or what?cupcakes you want to eat. Rather than cede that market to Pinterest, Facebook appears ready to compete with it via its new "Want" button.

As of now, though the button appears in the code, the functionality is not yet working. After?trying to add a Want button to his site, web developer?Tom Waddington told Mashable, "The button displays on the site, but clicking it shows an error message. Facebook hasn't enabled any apps to publish Wants yet."

So, is Facebook currently testing a "Want" button? Only the company knows for sure. But this little datamined nugget seems to suggest that the social network is itching to?give retailers a hand in better connecting you with the products they sell.

[Tom Waddington via?Mashable]

This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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