Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Android Smartphone Sales, Led By Big Screens, Are Growing Everywhere Except In The U.S.

LG SpectrumWe've seen a lot of images of an (alleged) iPhone coming soon with a bigger screen, and some numbers out from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, the WPP-owned market analysts, underscore how a bigger iPhone may not be coming a moment too soon. In the last 12 weeks, it found that Android-based smartphones have continued to extend their lead over the rest of the pack, and the charge is being led by the big boys -- literally. Of all the Android devices that have been sold in the last three months, nearly one-third (29%) of them had a screen size of over 4.5 inches, with large-screened devices from Samsung, HTC, LG (pictured), Huawei and more. Apple's current iPhone has a screen of 3.5 inches.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/Wl4uJD6KFpw/

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