Saturday, July 28, 2012

'Dancing' producer: 'I wonder about' Bristol

Fred Prouser / Reuters

Bristol Palin will once again be "Dancing" this fall.

By Anna Chan, TODAY

Say the name Bristol Palin, and you'll usually get a strong reaction. This was certainly the case on Friday when ABC revealed that the reality TV personality would be participating in "Dancing With the Stars: All Stars" this fall.?

"It's called All STARs! How exactly is Bristol a STAR? Or a dancer?" wrote reader Kelly Chapman on our Facebook page.

"Palin has to be the biggest joke ever! You mean there wasn't one other person out of over 100 dancers you could choose from?" commented Michele Moran McDevitt.

You get the idea.?

With such reactions in mind, we caught up with "Dancing With the Stars" producer Deena Katz and asked her whether the young Palin will be just as polarizing in her second go-round on the hit show.

"I don't know. I wonder about her," Katz told "I wonder about everyone. These guys were the charm of their season. ... Do they all have the effect they have before? It's not just Bristol. It's all of them. I'm so curious to see how the audience votes because all of these people were the sparkle of their season."

Though the producer may wonder about Bristol and others, she's quite "thrilled" with the cast the show landed for "All Stars." "It's like I have 160 kids," Katz said. "We had so many great people and it was hard because we only had 12 slots."

Though Bristol is filling one of those 12 spots, another of "Dancing's" most polarizing contestants -- season 10's Kate Gosselin -- is not. But that doesn't mean fans of the reality TV mom won't be seeing her on the ballroom bash. Katz hinted that it's quite possible?the mom of eight would be back in some way.

"I'm hoping that we can bring a lot of people back for packages," she said. "People like that you do want to see. My hope is we can do that."

Do you think Bristol will perform better this time around? Tell us on our Facebook page!

-- Reporting by Michael Maloney, TODAY contributor



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