Are you a young Moroi or Dhampir? Well then St. Vladimir's Academy is where you belong. We train our students to be ready for the attacks from Strigoi.~Literate RP'ers only~
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.- Code: Select all
[font=century gothic][center][img]PUT IMAGE OF YOUR CHARACTER HERE[/img]
[size=240][color=put your chars color]Name goes here (if you have a nickname and want to be called it use that name)[/color][/size]
[size=100] |age|dhampir/moroi/strigoi|roommate|element (if you have one)| [/size]
|? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|[/center]
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Symbol, and then write what your character feels about this character[/list][/size][/font]
then you won't be able to understand my words.
When will people understand that words can cut as sharply as any blade,
and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls?
There's only us There's only this Forget, regret or Life is yours to miss No other road,
no other way No day but today
Come take a look of my RP's St.Vladimir's Vampire Academy
airedeiagrace - Member for 0 years

Brylen Dragomir
|16|Royal Moroi|roommate|Spirit|
|? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|
Mace Rodrigens |16|Dhampir|roommate| |? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|
Winni Zeklos |21|Strigoi| |? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|
airedeiagrace - Member for 0 years
Gabriel ?Sparkles? Ozera |16|Royal Miroi|unknown|Fire (if you have one)| |? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|
Sabimaru - Member for 1 years
Hope its okay...
Andrea "Drea" Ivashkov |16|Royal Moroi|Unknown|Fire| |? (romantic interest)|?(friends)|? (neutral)|? (Enemies)|
Grrbot - Member for 0 years
The symbols aren't working on my I have no idea what they even look like ._.
Guadalupe "Lupe" Aria Mo?tez
[heart] Darius Zeklos/ She finds it refreshing that he's queit.
? Gabriel Ozera / She tolerants him because he's her charge.
? Everyone else / She doesn't particularly care for people so she doesn't bother with the other students unless necessary.
Wini Zeklos /She's Strigoi, She doesn't need a reason to hate her.
Madame Eden's Academy --Malice St. James
School of the Strange--Simia Panicus
Wayward House For The Misunderstood-Castila 'Casi' Davis
Slade Industries-- Tristan Knight
The Organization--Dorian Marco, Isobel Robey, Malice St James
Supernatural Living--Kaliyah Carter, Yakusoku Williams
MaliceInWonderland - Member for 4 years
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If you appreciate what they do, feel free to donate your spare change to help feed them on the weekends. After selecting the amount you want to donate from the menu, you can continue by clicking on PayPal logo.
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